Painting: The Oath of the Ancestors JJ is on the right

(c. 1758-1806), former slave, general in the Haitian Revolution, first leader of independent Haiti, and a lwa in the Haitian Vodou pantheon. The specifics of Jean-Jacques Dessalines’s early life are not well documented and historians have not come to a consensus regarding his date and place of birth. He was born around the year 1758 in either west-central Africa or in the Grande Rivière region in the north of the French colony of Saint-Domingue in the Caribbean, where he spent much of his life as a slave on two plantations. In the late eighteenth century, Saint-Domingue was the most wealth-producing colony in the Americas. Much of this wealth was generated through the cultivation and export of sugar and coffee crops. Enslaved people, often purchased by the plantation owners through the transatlantic slave trade, were forced to work on plantations to produce wealth for their masters. Some enslaved people were born in the colony, but the violence inherent in the labor system meant that the laboring population could not be sustained by natural growth and therefore a majority of the slave population in Saint-Domingue was African-born.

Dessalines worked on the Duclos sugar plantation in Cormier for most of his enslaved life and was subjected to excessive violence and brutal discipline by his notoriously cruel white master. He bore the deep scars of his enslavement until his death. On the Duclos plantation, he attained the position of foreman and was eventually sold to a free black master builder named Des Salines. The fact that he kept his second master’s last name, even after the abolition of slavery, suggests that he maintained a better relationship with Des Salines than his first master.

The Revolution

Dessalines’s whereabouts during the first years of the Haitian Revolution are unknown. By 1793, however, it is clear that he was a member of the revolutionary army under the leadership of Toussaint Louverture. He enters the historic record through his promotion to captain as a reward for his gallantry in battle. This same year, the French agents Léger Félicité Sonthonax and Étienne Polverel proclaimed the abolition of slavery in the colony. The French Assemblé Nationale ratified this decision and applied it to the entire French Empire in 1794.

During the Haitian Revolution, Saint-Domingue had become a battleground for the inter-imperial war raging throughout the Atlantic. Louverture and his army gained prominence in the French Republican army as they fought against the Spanish forces that were encroaching from the east and British forces that occupied the southern and western departments of the colony. Former slaves and free people of color fought on all three sides during these battles as they jockeyed for their own personal advantage and interests. During these conflicts, Dessalines secured the position of colonel of the Fourth Regiment in Louverture’s army in 1795. That same year, the Spanish army left the island as a result of the Treaty of Basel in which the eastern side of Hispaniola, formerly the Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, was ceded to the French. The British evacuated the south in 1798. These conflicts, however, had lasting results, and even after the international wars ended, internal divisions still remained.

Louverture’s military victories won him significant power and political authority in the colony, but he struggled for control with the agents that the French metropolitan government sent to the colony. One of the key conflicts occurred between Louverture and the French agent Joseph d’Hédouville. For a brief amount of time, their interests overlapped and they were able to collaborate; it soon became clear to Louverture, however, that Hédouville was his primary competition. After the evacuation of the British, Dessalines assumed command of the region of St. Marc and from there he marched toward Cap-Français to arrest Hédouville. Hédouville was in the process of trying to escape a rebellion under the command of General Moyse Louverture. Moyse had a close relationship with his adoptive “uncle” Toussaint Louverture, but he and his followers also disagreed with some of Louverture’s policies, notably Louverture and Hédouville’s labor laws, which had been enacted in an attempt to revive the colony’s sugar and coffee plantations. Whereas Louverture and Hédouville believed that the war and the colony were not sustainable without agricultural production, Moyse supported small-scale farming and land distribution. Moyse was executed by Louverture for his act of rebellion, but Dessalines was not able to capture Hédouville and, as he fled the colony, Hédouville surrendered his power to Louverture’s rival, André Rigaud, the commander of military forces in the south.

The rivalry between Louverture and Rigaud was ingrained with conflicts based on socioracial status and skin color; Louverture represented a darker-skinned army and Rigaud one of mixed racial heritage. The conflict, however, was based on not only skin color but also political divisions. In 1799 Louverture sent Dessalines to subdue Rigaud’s separatist movement. In March 1800, in a key battle of the War of the South, as it became known, Dessalines and Louverture along with Henry Christophe gathered their vastly larger forces and defeated Rigaud and Alexandre Pétion’s forces at the city of Jacmel. The fighting continued, but Rigaud and his leading generals eventually evacuated the city of Les Cayes in August 1800, enabling Louverture to secure it. Following these battles, Dessalines’s fiancée Marie Félicité Claire Heureuse Bonheur served as a nurse and encouraged him to show mercy to the injured soldiers of Rigaud’s defeated army. Claire Heureuse was likely the daughter of a poor free black couple from Léogane. On 21 October 1801 she married Dessalines in Léogane and the wedding celebration continued for three days. Dessalines is believed to have been a passionate dancer. At the time of their wedding, Dessalines had at least four children with at least one other woman.

Once Louverture assumed the sole leadership role in the colony, he, along with Dessalines and Moyse, attempted to force the population to return to plantation labor. They viewed the export economy as the only way to sustain relative autonomy from France and to secure manufactured goods, most importantly, war materials. Dessalines was in charge of the southern and western departments and used violence or the threat of violence to coerce the laborers to assume the same jobs that they had been forced to work as slaves. This strategy may have been a tactic to appease French anxieties over the lack of productivity in the colony and to assure the metropole that the system could continue as it had previously. This was because Louverture was advocating for greater autonomy, but at the same time he did not want to anger the French government. Louverture issued a constitution in 1801 that professed continued allegiance to France but also declared autonomous government in Saint-Domingue. This document challenged the authority of Napoléon Bonaparte in France and, as a result, Bonaparte began to coordinate a military campaign to regain control of the colony. He sent a force of 30,000 men under the direction of his brother-in-law Charles Victor Emmanuel Leclerc to Saint-Domingue to disarm the “rebel” army. The army arrived in early 1802, and rumors that Bonaparte and Leclerc planned to reintroduce slavery in the colony sparked massive resistance there. A series of defeats led Christophe, Louverture, and Dessalines to surrender to the French, but widespread resistance continued. Leclerc distrusted Louverture and had him deported to France, where he would die in 1803 in a prison at Fort-de-Joux in the Jura mountains.

Christophe, Dessalines, and a number of other commanders in the colonial armies then fought alongside Leclerc to subdue the resistance and to disarm the population. It quickly became clear to these native leaders, however, that their visions for the colony differed significantly from the goals of the Leclerc expedition. They defected and rejoined the rebel camp. Louverture’s absence in the colony paved the way for Dessalines to assume the military rank of general-in-chief in what he began to call the “Indigenous Army.” The perceived threat to universal liberty in Saint-Domingue quickly turned the revolution into a war for independence. This was an all-out war. It was characterized by extreme violence on both sides since both armies assumed that the only solution was the complete eradication of the opposing forces. Leclerc argued that the only way to make Saint-Domingue productive again was to kill the entire population and to start fresh with enslaved captives from Africa.

Dessalines’s army, aided by a bout of yellow fever that ravaged the French army, gained the upper hand. In mid-1803 Dessalines began to plan for independence. The final battled occurred outside the city of Cap-Français at Vertières, and on 29 November 1803 Dessalines signed a peace treaty with Leclerc’s successor, Donatien Marie Joseph Rochambeau, calling for the evacuation of the French army. The treaty provided for the safe evacuation of the French army and any French planters who wished to leave. It also guaranteed the security of those planters who wished to stay. Louverture had previously promised the safety of white plantation owners if they wished to return to their former plantations and Dessalines’s assurances appeared to be mirroring such a strategy. He did not keep this promise, however, and many of these white French plantation owners were killed on Dessalines’s orders.


A month after the evacuation of the French, on 1 January 1804, Dessalines gathered his generals at Gonaïves and gave a speech that declared the island’s independence from France. This speech was soon published as being addressed to the “citizens of Haiti.” In this proclamation, Dessalines swore “eternal hatred to the French” but promised not to intervene in the affairs of the other empires of the Atlantic. At the time, Dessalines was courting the governments of Britain, Spain, and the United States in an attempt to secure recognition of the island’s independence from France as well as to find trading partners. This recognition was not forthcoming. Dessalines’s speech represents the world’s second successful declaration of independence to form a lasting nation-state, after the United States, and it also created the second independent nation in the Americas. On the same day, Dessalines was named governor-general for life of “Hayti.” This proclamation emphasized the many ways that the French influence could still be felt in the new country and highlighted the need for Haitians to prepare for battle. This call to arms resulted in a series of violent and public massacres of the remaining white French citizens on the island between February and April 1804. A small number of skilled individuals were spared for their perceived usefulness to the new country and British and American merchants were protected. In describing these massacres, Dessalines declared, “I have avenged America.”

In November 1804 Dessalines proclaimed himself Emperor Jacques I of Hayti, but he did not publish a national constitution until 1805. This constitution renewed the law that prohibited slavery and undertook to regulate the social, legal, and commercial structure of the country. Dessalines assumed complete control of the governance and military leadership of the country and ruled Haiti in an authoritarian manner. The 1805 constitution declared that all Haitians were citizens of the same family and were to be considered “black.” This designation was an attempt to eliminate the socio-racial hierarchies that had carried over from the colonial period. Despite efforts like this, Dessalines’s rule, in fact, had a lot in common with the colonial period and many former slaves were forced to go back to plantation labor and once more worked the land for the benefit of others.

By late 1806 Dessalines’s authoritarian rule had inspired resistance among the leading generals of the army, who organized a plot for his overthrow. On 17 October 1806 Dessalines was assassinated by a group of rebels near Pont Rouge just outside of Port-au-Prince. He was shot and his body torn to pieces and paraded through the city. Following Dessalines’s death, a battle for national leadership ensued between the generals Henry Christophe and Alexandre Pétion. Christophe was elected to office under a new constitution in 1806, but he did not agree with the republican style of government. He and his supporters retreated to the north and published a new constitution in 1807. The country split in civil war and Pétion was elected president of the Republic of Haiti in the southern and western departments. For the next decade, the country existed under the two governments of Haiti in a civil war stalemate, which sometimes flared up into outright war.

While the Haitian government had declared independence in 1804, the French government did not immediately acknowledge its defeat and waited until 1825 to extend official diplomatic recognition to Haiti. And, even after such a long time, the French only did so in exchange for an enormous indemnity payment from the Haitian government to compensate the former plantation owners who had lost their human and territorial property during the revolution. The British, Dutch, and Danish empires implicitly recognized Haitian independence in 1826 when they sent consuls to the island, but the United States waited until 1862 to recognize Haiti’s independence. While all of these governments withheld official diplomatic recognition after the Haitian declaration of independence, merchants traded with Haiti, legally and illegally, and helped to support the island’s independence from France.

Following his death, Dessalines was incorporated into the Vodou pantheon as “Ogoun Desalin.” The figure of Ogoun in Haitian Vodou is the innovation of a syncretic amalgamation of the Catholic Saint Jacques and the African warrior spirit Ogoun. Dessalines is the only leader of Haiti to have been named to the Vodou pantheon, and this highlights his continued importance in Haiti’s history.

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  • rtstragedy [she/her, fae/faer]
    27 days ago
    I can Long Post about anything, apparently

    Oh okay wow, that's a way newer fancier amp than I had expected, shit. Huh, has USB and DSD and everything...

    If I'm being honest, I've only really used the phono stage, USB (but used PCM because Linux, and only the default sample rate because games get weird outside that lol), and optical (i refuse to say this word correctly irl lol, usually make it ironic and go "opticleh")

    and I saw your little headphone amp thingy for your turntable in the other pic, very neat.

    Oh, yeah, I bought it because people said you needed a headphone amp for hd600s. I do think they sound better through the headphone amp, but how much of that perception is just me expecting that more money = make it sound better? I don't want to be an audiophile and constantly be chasing diminishing returns, or become too snobbish to listen to bluetooth audio sometimes, idk. I prefer flac, wired everything, proper DACs with no noise or jitter, low latency when gaming, but I try not to let myself hate the convenience/etc. of bluetooth (and bluetooth is sometimes better than a noisy headphone jack in a laptop haha).

    Holy shit you are like, actually really cool. You don't fuck around, a true gear head.

    Okay, so, I feel the need to dispel this notion of competency I'm worried you have towards me, lmao. When I was young I would compulsively take things apart and 50/50 break them or not remember how to put them back together, or lose a screw or few. Whoops.

    Here's a more recent example: Some Gamecubes have a digital output port, but it was removed in later models. In order to use a HDMI output adapter or the component cables, you need to have the digital port. There is a mod you can buy for the analog-only Gamecube which replaces it with a digital port.

    Luckily, this wasn't my childhood Gamecube, because I fucked it. I don't have a heat gun, so I was trying to remove the analog connector from the motherboard (which had like 14 rather large pins) with just a solder tape, elbow grease, and the solder tip's heat. I struggled for a couple of hours until I finally pushed a little too hard with the soldering iron, which scraped against the motherboard, removing some hopefully not required capacitors. Since the Gamecube is tiny, my attempts to resolder them back on were not great (and I learned later that the Gamecube uses lead-free solder and I should have used that instead.) It would not boot any more. Load-bearing capacitors, apparently.

    Anyway, I found a really ratty old gamecube from a shop a couple blocks away with a digital port which the lady sold me for like $35 bucks, but the colour didn't match the Gameboy Player anymore, so in order to avoid this travesty, I put the motherboard into the shell of the broken GC. However, this definitely-launch-model GC I had just bought was so old it actually had a separate power board with a bit of a janky power switch that I haven't fixed, and it not being refurbished like the other one that means that I've probably reduced the lifespan of my Gamecube, but luckily the separate power board fit in the newer model case. Oh well. We have a second one anyway that we keep for discs, since we have a lot of those. Mine has the GDEmu and Gameboy Player (no I do not use the official software for that, I'm using the custom thingy I can't remember the name of. nice clean pixels, no latency, and the Retrobit controller with the large d-pad)

    I stick to replacing batteries in carts now. I can handle that, lol (did our N64 controller pak this week because Partner's Goemon save got corrupted midway through, despite the voltage on the battery being fine...)

    I want this kit now...

    the price was absurd honestly esp with import/brokerage fees, but I can DM you if you'd like. i would love to do it again tho, i got so many skills now!!

    Oh you even have HD600s, goddamn. Nice, decent cans.

    i love them, they are the only headphones I can wear all day, sound nice, and don't distract me when I'm trying to talk in meetings. I'm very sensitive to headphones weight and clamping pressure, these broke in nicely for my weird head lol.

    you need to have a special (really stupid) kinda head for surround.

    i was in the past actually, haha

    It helps I already had tons of PS2/Xbox/PS3/360/PS4/Steam games, Blurays & DVDs, and even a surround album when I began doing multichannel. The brainrot... I see you have acquired a healthy disdain for speakers cables though, lol.

    tbh this sounds sick. I think my problem with surround is when I'd go to my parent's house my dad would be so excited, he'd turn it all up super loud, and I would be all madeline-scared because the subwoofer and then random loud noises behind me (always gunshots, why always gunshots?) and ... oof, this is embarrassing. Also the price... and having to match and calibrate the speakers. Also my amp doesn't do surround, so where would I put that...

    ^ if this reads like a paragraph full of me trying to convince myself to not spend money on more speakers despite secretly wanting to, that's because uh it is

    Oh, and on the speaker cables bit, my dad had some wireless ones... so that's kinda neat tbh although I was worried about quality/latency of course... but if he liked them, they must have been good.

    I had a setup for a while years ago because people said if you're having trouble telling what people are saying in films, you should get a center channel. It did not help, maybe I have speech processing issues lol. I don't watch many films anyway, i just watch with subtitles because I can't parse American media sound mixing.

    I'd 100% appreciate some else's setup though and hang out at their house, just trying very hard not to build one myself since the dream of "having every retro console hooked up and ready to go with RGB-quality output" is already really complicated haha.

    Yeah the preamp in the LP120 is famously not good, lol. Kind of a shame, decent turntable otherwise.

    Yeah I like it, can't imagine what I'm missing (other than a real stage, which I might buy)

    Yw for the encouragement :)


    I love it and I also have its slider-festooned older sister, the R-S77.

    oh fuck, the R-S77 (just looked at a picture), god I love 5-band EQs on the front of amps lol that's so sick. and the giant 8-segment displays, and the wood trim!!! good taste tbh. if your amp doesn't look like a nuclear power plant control station, is it really good? (I am being serious, I love complicated technology, I played flight sims when I was really young lol)

    Most of my gear is really fucking old lol.

    fucking sick, and the only real thing you're missing out on is like USB and maybe optical in. mad respect

    Same same, used to be ffshrine, lol and rip. Me not owning the Jet Set Radio Future soundtrack...

    yeah, i just have a FLAC copy, Partner (well me too) loves this indie artist named 2 Mello (he did a track on the Celeste B-Sides as well) that gives that vibe with new music. It's actually the cassette I bought him, but we have a digital copy from here too

    • ashinadash [she/her]
      27 days ago
      Incredible posting power!!!


      Lol lmao :3 That is still cool though, and I mean those are all valid uses for a receiver or amp imo.

      I don't want to be an audiophile and constantly be chasing diminishing returns, or become too snobbish to listen to bluetooth audio sometimes, idk

      Aw cmon, be a snob with me, pathetic Idk I'm not against inexpensive stuff so long as it sounds good, like for example the Tinn T2 IEMs or the Douk U3 headphone amp. But I do like good gear. I use bluetooth a fair bit, I strapped a bluetooth receiver to my T50RP m3 so I could use em wirelessly too:


      DAC jitter though, hardcore. Takes me back to the Sbeve Hoffmen Forums. When it comes to digital I usually main either an SMSL SU-1 hooked up to the R-X80 or my SMSL SU-8/SH-8 stack bought for me by wifey. She got me into all this stuff lol. I tend to be angrily against bluetooth more on principle than against the actual quality tbh.

      I feel the need to dispel this notion of competency I'm worried you have towards me,

      badeline-jokerfied Too bad nerd! This gamecube adventure sounds troublesome but also 10000% like something I'd do too. Also waow your gemcoob is kitted the fuck out, nice, the GB Player was always such a good idea but it really needs Swiss to function. Also Retrobit pad like the LegacyGC or is there another?

      Safe partner is a Goemon enjoyer, waow... That sounds cool though, I used to swap batteries on Pokemon carts back in the day.

      the price was absurd honestly esp with import/brokerage fees,

      ralsei-wut The kit is supposed to make it CHEAPER! Death to amerikkka!!!!!!

      I'm very sensitive to headphones weight and clamping pressure, these broke in nicely for my weird head lol.

      yea My wife has a pair of 650s and they seem pretty cool, got her some custom pads for them.

      i was in the past actually, haha

      Uh oh, run while you still can!!! Don't relapse!!!! I do understand the fun in cranking a system now and then but all of my stereos are kept pretty quiet honestly. Wifey does like a good subwoofer though. Gunshots, usually for positioning in games, I can see how that wouldn't be pleasant.

      I gotta tell you a secret though, while I calibrate my 5.1 speakers I only do it by ear and they're never matched. My surround setups are cobbled together from thrift store junk honestly. For cables I usually run em along the baseboards, and failing that I tack em to the ceiling lol.

      people said if you're having trouble telling what people are saying in films, you should get a center channel.

      Huh that's interesting, I thought a 3.0 woulda helped, different ears I guess. I usually crank the center because the mixing on Amerikkkan shit in particular is soooooo bad. I do love a good center channel... You could integrate 5.1 into a retro setup, I do downstairs, but don't lol, run away from multichannel, stay safe.



      god I love 5-band EQs on the front of amps lol that's so sick. and the giant 8-segment displays, and the wood trim!!! good taste tbh.

      kril-bashful Well y'know u rite, it is extremely cool, I miss design like that y'know... Helps it's great as an amp but the 5 band eq is actually really handy, if an album is bass-shy you can just do a quick and dirty fix.

      only real thing you're missing out on is like USB and maybe optical in.

      I do have a Pioneer VSX522 in the bedroom and a Denon AVR 1506 downstairs, it's not all PAINFULLY old but most of it is older than 20 years tbh.

      Partner (well me too) loves this indie artist named 2 Mello

      2MELLO POSTING susie-dance BOMB RUSH CYBERFUNK POSTING duck-dance Look at all that GOOD TASTE!!!

      • rtstragedy [she/her, fae/faer]
        27 days ago

        Aw cmon, be a snob with me,

        that's all i needed, i'm in.

        Idk I'm not against inexpensive stuff so long as it sounds good, like for example the Tinn T2 IEMs or the Douk U3 headphone amp

        totally agree, I bought a Schitt headphone amp and it sounds good to me, but the Douk looks nice wow I love the brass colouring holy crap sdlkkdfgjk it's so cool second headphone amp time?!

        unfo I am not sure I'm built for IEMs, the pressure on my ear canals leads to pain. Maybe it's a sizing issue, or maybe it's not.

        I strapped a bluetooth receiver to my T50RP m3

        ok first, COOL KEYBOARD i like the caps damn. Second those headphones (which I have not heard of until now). wait they are planars? holy moly, are they really $159?! wowwwwww I've wanted to try planars forever, i've heard so much hype, but the price (and generally the weight), your pads and strap look comfy as frick, damn.

        so, tell me your experiences with bluetooth. what kind of codec do you prefer? thoughts on AAC/SBC/SBC-XQ/aptX/aptX Adaptive? I went down this rabbit hole with my BT headphones a while ago.

        Takes me back to the Sbeve Hoffmen Forums.

        haha I have never posted on any forum, I mostly absorb opinions from sites like that.

        either an SMSL SU-1 hooked up to the R-X80

        ah ha, I was wondering how you would have solved this problem, you got an external DAC, makes sense! I got the Schitt stack for my PC which is just the Magni+Modi, good enough for me. and of course, for living room I have the DAC in the A-S801.

        SMSL SU-8/SH-8 stack bought for me by wifey.

        wow, that stuff looks fucking sick, the SH-8 looks serious. I'm too much of a pleb to have XLR headphones, but I love the fucking full-size AC port on the back of it lol like it's a PC, that rules.

        I tend to be angrily against bluetooth more on principle than against the actual quality tbh.

        Yeah, agreed. I personally hate charging things, things being connected or not connecting when they're supposed to be, dropouts, latency, etc. But when it works I can't complain. I do feel something more with the HD600s hooked into a record player than I do listening to the digital version over Bluetooth though.

        Also waow your gemcoob is kitted the fuck out, nice, the GB Player was always such a good idea but it really needs Swiss to function. Also Retrobit pad like the LegacyGC or is there another?

        Yeah, Gamecube was my baby when I was young. Samus was kinda transition goals ngl. But yes, I use Swiss + Extrems' Game Boy Interface on the GDEmu. That's the Gameplay Player one (I bought on eBay a couple years ago, I think it's a Japanese Gameboy Player but they are not region locked. most of them don't come with the disc these days). And yes, that's the controller. I couldn't use the d-pad on the regular GC controller for playing more than a minute or two, it uh is too small for me.

        The other GC is just standard lol.

        Safe partner is a Goemon enjoyer, waow...

        I like the music <3

        The kit is supposed to make it CHEAPER! Death to amerikkka!!!!!!

        I don't know much about speaker prices, but according to my dad I did save a ton of money, even with all that. It's just ... they were over $1k CAD... that's a lot of money. Luckily they sound good and we use them literally every day. (I move the record player back downstairs lol, sounds good)

        got her some custom pads for them.

        nice sick, I'm still using the standards.

        I do understand the fun in cranking a system now and then but all of my stereos are kept pretty quiet honestly.

        I'm very madeline-scared of bothering people with my noise (possibly because I am very sensitive to noise), esp when I used to live in apartments. Now I like in a full asshouse, so ... no excuse for keeping it quiet lol, but I still do, I feel like the only time I turn it up is if something is 100% my jam. Like Ristar.

        I gotta tell you a secret though, while I calibrate my 5.1 speakers I only do it by ear and they're never matched. My surround setups are cobbled together from thrift store junk honestly. For cables I usually run em along the baseboards, and failing that I tack em to the ceiling lol.

        Damn that's fucking sick actually. I always did it by "science," (I had a Denon receiver that would calibrate things based on the room and a mic) that was probably the issue.

        I usually crank the center because the mixing on Amerikkkan shit in particular is soooooo bad.

        This is the kind of out-of-the-box thinking I need to hear in order to aid my relapse. lol. "You can just ... turn one channel up to compensate for how it's supposed to sound sucking??)" seriously why didn't I think of that

        Well y'know u rite, it is extremely cool, I miss design like that y'know...


        Helps it's great as an amp but the 5 band eq is actually really handy, if an album is bass-shy you can just do a quick and dirty fix.

        yeah totally, I would do so much tweaking. I actually have the bass/treble knobs on my current amp set right to middle for some reason, haven't felt the need to change them. I guess I'm a bit of a Neutral Enjoyer.

        I do have a Pioneer VSX522 in the bedroom and a Denon AVR 1506 downstairs, it's not all PAINFULLY old but most of it is older than 20 years tbh.

        Wait, 1506... WAIT, I-I think I had that one! I defs recognize the back panel, and the number, but it was a few years ago now ... wish I kept it lol, maybe somehow you ended up with it

        Also, I am glad you know 2 Mello lol. I wish I had a vinyl of Tokyo-To.

        • ashinadash [she/her]
          27 days ago
          gearhead stuff

          that's all i needed, i'm in.

          comfy-cool ?

          the Douk looks nice wow I love the brass colouring holy crap sdlkkdfgjk it's so cool second headphone amp time?!

          Waow me too, plus it's a Class A amp which is rare now... perhaps? doggy-beg If fit's your issue I can't recommend the T2s, though generally soft memory foam tips may help.

          Second those headphones (which I have not heard of until now). wait they are planars? holy moly, are they really $159?!

          For one thank you, I do dig this keyboard. For two uh, yeah they're pricier on amazon, but for $160 they're a steal. Planars are so good, you won't go back. The strap (my strap emilie-smug ) is just a random one but the pads are Shure 1540 pads. They are VERY COMFY.

          The vast majority of devices I have connect with SBC, I do have a set of Anker Q35 with LDAC and my Fiio player supports that. To be real I can't really hear a huge difference, they all sound pretty similar I guess, slightly worse than cabled? The receiver on the Fostex uses AptX.

          haha I have never posted on any forum, I mostly absorb opinions from sites like that.

          Good, the SH people are so fuckin annoying...

          ah ha, I was wondering how you would have solved this problem, you got an external DAC,

          Prior to that I was just rawdoggin' it, PC headphone jack from onboard audio to receiver. CD, DVD and Bluray machines all have their own reasonable DACs but I run everything through the SU-1 now because I am wildin. Idk how you got your hands on a Magni or Modi with the prices here but grats, lmao.

          wow, that stuff looks fucking sick, the SH-8 looks serious.

          The pair was like £400 back in the day, they are super legit. The SU-1 just uses USB power, these have a whole thing. I don't use the XLR because I'm also a pleb but they are great. However I think a Douk U3 + SU-1 produces similar results, they are a few years old now.

          I personally hate charging things, things being connected or not connecting when they're supposed to be, dropouts, latency, etc.

          Same same, I made a post about that too lmao. I hate it so much, forced meme. Also I do like physical albums too, why I make tape copies so much...

          Samus was kinda transition goals ngl. But yes, I use Swiss + Extrems' Game Boy Interface on the GDEmu.

          waow-based and that controller looks rad. It's cool that the Gamecube scene has come up a bit in recent years, used to be stone dead lol

          they were over $1k CAD...

          ralsei-wut Fuck that shit! I paid $80 for my Sounddynamics R515!!! Cop shit!! Glad they're good at least...

          Now I like in a full asshouse, so ... no excuse for keeping it quiet lol, but I still do, I feel like the only time I turn it up is if something is 100% my jam. Like Ristar.

          Based, and there's nothing wrong with not shaking the foundations lol.

          Damn that's fucking sick actually. I always did it by "science,"

          Yeah my three all have that but I never had the mic, I got the Denon from the thrift, my Pioneer from the garbage and a modern Harman Kardon from the pawn, lmao.

          This is the kind of out-of-the-box thinking I need to hear in order to aid my relapse. lol.

          Oh noooooo burgerpain You might still not get anything out of it but Idk, helps wifey and I at least...

          I guess I'm a bit of a Neutral Enjoyer.

          This is a good habit, I only do tweaking right at the end or beginning of the output chain. If I have to mess with it a bunch, it might not be good.

          Wait, 1506... WAIT, I-I think I had that one! I defs recognize the back panel, and the number,

          Oh shit, well it's one of my beloveds stalin-heart it mostly does retro duty, so videotapes/DVDs/Blurays hooked up to the CRT, Wii and PS2, stuff like that. Good unit.

          I wish I had a vinyl of Tokyo-To.

          yea I wish I had a copy of the BRC soundtrack ngl

          • rtstragedy [she/her, fae/faer]
            26 days ago


            Ok so first I thrifted my Denon a number of years ago, so my headcanon is now that you ended up with it somehow. This is probably extremely unlikely. Partner is rating it at 0.5%. Uh, if you did, sorry I forgot to bundle the mic with it ... I thrifted a lot of stuff that day, and I found it later IIRC and was like "fuck." It might have also been the remote I forgot to give, memory fuzzy lol, I know I forgot something... But the headcanon!!

            Waow me too, plus it's a Class A amp which is rare now... perhaps?

            I only just read about the classes. I understand the idea of them I think, how does that affect the sound?

            If fit's your issue I can't recommend the T2s, though generally soft memory foam tips may help.

            Yeah, might try again next time I'm feeling brave. Not soon tho.

            For two uh, yeah they're pricier on amazon, but for $160 they're a steal. Planars are so good, you won't go back.

            damn, so these are the good kind eh? it is my birthday ... I should buy something thonk-trans ... and the pads...

            The vast majority of devices I have connect with SBC, I do have a set of Anker Q35 with LDAC and my Fiio player supports that. To be real I can't really hear a huge difference, they all sound pretty similar I guess, slightly worse than cabled?

            You know, I think I know what you mean. I've tried aptX Adaptive, and SBC-XQ, and AAC, and all sounds the same ... but ... slightly worse than cabled is right. It's "good enough" most of the time, when I'm not 100% focused on listening, or when I'm listening to compressed audio like YT vids or whatever.

            Good, the SH people are so fuckin annoying...

            oh, and by "absorb opinions" i should have said "read casually and try not to be as hardcore as them" lol. Some of the crazy opinions about country of make on there is wild too.

            Prior to that I was just rawdoggin' it, PC headphone jack from onboard audio to receiver.

            Damn, I always have the worst luck with PC ports, they're always so noisy, I can hear the computer thinking with all the beeps and buzzes. It's probably the way I build PCs or something, running the audio cable next to a power cable.

            CD, DVD and Bluray machines all have their own reasonable DACs but I run everything through the SU-1 now because I am wildin. Idk how you got your hands on a Magni or Modi with the prices here but grats, lmao.

            sick, that's awesome. Honestly, I don't know why I really went that direction, this was back when I was a lib and I didn't have anyone to ask about which ones were good, so I just read some Reddit posts. I remember them being $99, but that was probably USD, and then add to that "brokerage fees" from shipping companies and tax and tax2, yeah it was probably a lot more. Immediately dropped the headphone amp trying to get it out of the box, of course, now it crackles when I turn the knob, but it does work fine otherwise.

            The pair was like £400 back in the day, they are super legit. The SU-1 just uses USB power, these have a whole thing. I don't use the XLR because I'm also a pleb but they are great. However I think a Douk U3 + SU-1 produces similar results, they are a few years old now.

            that's sick. so i can have pretty headphone amp and still it'll sound good? this is good news!

            (from your post) I was nodding along with all that. I still have bluetooth for like meetings and hotswapping for work, but this week I learned these instanely priced noise cancelling headphones fucking drop my voice sometimes!!!!! so friendship fucking ended with these unless the neighbour is drumming (they are still nice, just missed my hd600 set, although i would roll over the super long cord a lot lol)

            Ugh. I got them for flights after flying a province over to visit my parents this year and the other BT headphones I had sucked. I started using these because they had an integrated mic and I wanted more room in my office without having a C-stand holding a shotgun mic lol (or, you know, a tripod, I didn't like the way I look on webcam :( )

            Phones and laptops without 3.5mm jacks should be considered war crimes, trust me. No I do not care if it's about IP67 water protection, do better pls. No excuse. I despise this trend.

            YES. YES. FUCK. I HATE THIS SO MUCH, UGHHHHH. i bought a pixel 7 for graphene os because i was sick of not having adblock on my phone, and i knew going in there was no jack, but i was still upset about it.

            It's cool that the Gamecube scene has come up a bit in recent years, used to be stone dead lol

            The retro game store downtown here was offering a super deal for people to trade in their GC games for a while, actually. I did not trade mine in, not even the duplicates we have lol.

            Fuck that shit! I paid $80 for my Sounddynamics R515!!! Cop shit!! Glad they're good at least...

            yeah, idk, I don't have the mind for remembering speaker models etc. I can hear whether I like/dislike the sound, but only on familiar music and after my ears get used to them, so it's tough for me. My dad eats this shit up even more than me, oh well. I like headphones :3 I find them easier to understand than speakers.

            Yeah my three all have that but I never had the mic, I got the Denon from the thrift, my Pioneer from the garbage and a modern Harman Kardon from the pawn, lmao.


            You might still not get anything out of it but Idk, helps wifey and I at least...

            totally, makes sense.

            This is a good habit, I only do tweaking right at the end or beginning of the output chain. If I have to mess with it a bunch, it might not be good.

            yeah, exactly. i did a bit of hobbyist musicmaking and that's usually the recommended advice for making music too, just to tweak at the end.

            I wish I had a copy of the BRC soundtrack ngl

            I had to ask Partner what this was, I haven't heard of it, but he said he wants to play it.

            • ashinadash [she/her]
              26 days ago

              Partner is rating it at 0.5%. Uh, if you did, sorry I forgot to bundle the mic with it ... I thrifted a lot of stuff that day, and I found it later IIRC and was like "fuck."

              Oh this is okay headcanon, dw. I have a Logitech Harmony I use and I don't need no stinkin mic :3 this is a funny headcanon I like it.

              I understand the idea of them I think, how does that affect the sound?

              Class A is like the best and most power hungry, no "switching" distortion, all the classic 70s amps, the best ones are class A. My beloved.

              it is my birthday ... I should buy something ... and the pads...

              You should!!! Lfg!!! soviet-huff

              all sounds the same ... but ... slightly worse than cabled is right. It's "good enough" most of the time,

              Yup, I'll do youtube videos over bluetooth but never music pretty much, lol.

              Some of the crazy opinions about country of make on there is wild too.

              Shouts to the forum boomers who think China Bad!!!!!

              Immediately dropped the headphone amp trying to get it out of the box, of course, now it crackles when I turn the knob,

              Very big clumsy autism moment :3

              these instanely priced noise cancelling headphones fucking drop my voice sometimes!!!!! so friendship fucking ended with these

              Waow.... we hate/love to see it... At this point for mics, I would probably install a ModMic on my normal headphones, cause like fuck all that noise.


              We will wage war on the techbros together pavlichenko

              I did not trade mine in, not even the duplicates we have lol.

              Based, one of the things I kinda regret is selling my Saturn. I wish I'd kept it, the games were so expensive and no ODE back then...

              My dad eats this shit up even more than me, oh well. I like headphones :3 I find them easier to understand than speakers.

              The hifi dad, many such cases... Headphones are based though, they're just one and done purchases, they are simpler.

              i did a bit of hobbyist musicmaking and that's usually the recommended advice for making music too, just to tweak at the end.


              I had to ask Partner what this was, I haven't heard of it, but he said he wants to play it.

              The based partner once again...

              • rtstragedy [she/her, fae/faer]
                26 days ago

                Oh this is okay headcanon, dw. I have a Logitech Harmony I use and I don't need no stinkin mic :3 this is a funny headcanon I like it.

                I looked into this and I think they're not being produced anymore? For some reason, that stopped me from getting one? I am silly.

                Class A is like the best and most power hungry, no "switching" distortion, all the classic 70s amps, the best ones are class A. My beloved.

                Sick, I looked this up a bit, that's fascinating.

                You should!!! Lfg!!!

                lol misinterpreting lfg is totally reflexive for me, I'll have you know. where would you buy the Douk U3? and the T50RP?

                I'll do youtube videos over bluetooth but never music pretty much, lol.

                yeah totally

                Shouts to the forum boomers who think China Bad!!!!!

                god, they would make claims about the audio quality based on country of origin too, like "oh all the China amps sound harsh" like dude that's just racism?

                Very big clumsy autism moment :3

                lol, let's hope i have better luck the second time. they were packed a bit weird was my excuse before ... I think you and I both know better now.

                I would probably install a ModMic on my normal headphones, cause like fuck all that noise.

                I should look into this tbh (same questions as above about where haha)

                We will wage war on the techbros together

                tbh i barely use my phone for anything, my life is my laptop tho, so the lack of a headphone jack isn't as annoying. when i want to play an instrument along with a recording i prefer the bluetooth since the cable gets in the way (and i'm usually listening to myself, not the recording), and i don't have a place for my laptop in the music room, so phone + bt is ok for that.

                Based, one of the things I kinda regret is selling my Saturn. I wish I'd kept it, the games were so expensive and no ODE back then...

                damn, that sucks. there are some bangers on there, Partner has a bunch of games. He plays Nights Into Dreams every Christmas morning, it is so adorable. (I play Ristar for some reason, maybe because of Planet Freon?)

                Headphones are based though, they're just one and done purchases, they are simpler.

                totally. 100% agree. less moving parts, and i like my music better when it's physically closer to me, for the most part.

                • ashinadash [she/her]
                  26 days ago

                  For some reason, that stopped me from getting one? I am silly.

                  Their Harmony app still works but who knows for how long I guess. They're a swiss army knife for IR devices, essential for old tech dorks such as me.

                  where would you buy the Douk U3? and the T50RP?

                  The Douk is available on Aliexpress, T50RP I have no idea bar *mazon...

                  "oh all the China amps sound harsh" like dude that's just racism?

                  Yeah pretty much, and in classic i-am-adolf-hitler fashion they were really into West G*rman anything.

                  they were packed a bit weird was my excuse before ... I think you and I both know better now.


                  (same questions as above about where haha)

                  Uh Modmic's website or the Jeff Bezos one again, hard to avoid that fuckin place...

                  tbh i barely use my phone for anything, my life is my laptop tho,

                  This is really based, never thought of bluetoothing an instrument, lol.

                  there are some bangers on there, Partner has a bunch of games. He plays Nights Into Dreams every Christmas morning, it is so adorable.

                  Saturn truly does go hard, thankfully they aren't that expensive now. Based of safe partner and yourself though, big sega household.

                  and i like my music better when it's physically closer to me, for the most part.

                  This I have never heard and it fascinates me.

                  • rtstragedy [she/her, fae/faer]
                    25 days ago

                    Their Harmony app still works but who knows for how long I guess. They're a swiss army knife for IR devices, essential for old tech dorks such as me.

                    yeah it sounded pretty sick tbh, but the TV is some bluetooth gadget with a mouse cursor, so we couldn't do a complete replacement anyway, best we could do is down from 3 remotes (TV, retrotink, amp) to 2.

                    upstairs tv we use HDMI-CEC to use a $5 universal I bought on ebay to control the Pi up there, it's okay

                    Yeah pretty much, and in classic fashion they were really into West G*rman anything.


                    Uh Modmic's website or the Jeff Bezos one again, hard to avoid that fuckin place...

                    I had a few good years where I avoided it entirely. Partner still does, he'll go way way out of his way to buy something anywhere else. I dislike how much they try to get me into shitty subscriptions lol when I buy something on there once every few months.

                    This is really based, never thought of bluetoothing an instrument, lol.

                    Yeah, I don't bluetooth the instruments I'm playing, because the latency makes playing music impossible, but I put a backing track (uhh ok this is cringe but I was trying to learn the guitar parts for some of the Sonic Adventure tracks and Bocchi songs oh god this is a public forum lmao...) in headphones, sometimes a shitty MIDI rendition even (because then I can slow the tempo down to really pick parts apart).

                    I used to play violin along to orchestra recordings, but the pieces I want to play along to are really hard and fast like Mahler 1 or some violin concertos. It's hard to find the balance of being able to hear yourself and hear the music (tbf I've had this problem in every performance I've ever done for music, no matter the instrument lol)

                    This I have never heard and it fascinates me.

                    ok update on this as I thought about it more. I like headphones cuz I like the sound of the HD600s, good sound stage imo.

                    That being said, I have a record of Mahler 1 I decided to listen to this morning, and since the turntable is downstairs, I put it through the speakers. It's got a humongous dynamic range, lol, I could feel the timpani (no subwoofer btw) when it got loud. Tbh I can see the appeal of loud music now, I was crying a bit lol, I love that piece. I don't feel it as much with the digital recording, even though I think it's the same recording.

                    So I guess I don't have this figured out yet haha. When I'm working I need headphones though, need to be able to start and stop it, and I usually listen at pretty low volumes.

                    • ashinadash [she/her]
                      25 days ago

                      the TV is some bluetooth gadget with a mouse cursor,

                      Oh I hate that shit, I mean IR isn't great but cmon... there is a Wifi Harmony One but again too many remotes. HDMI-CEC is fuckin based, I like your pi btw :3

                      I dislike how much they try to get me into shitty subscriptions lol when I buy something on there once every few months.

                      Yeah avoiding it is pretty based, it is a scum company. I buy on at least ebay or ali when I can instead.

                      but I put a backing track (uhh ok this is cringe but I was trying to learn the guitar parts for some of the Sonic Adventure tracks and Bocchi songs

                      Wtf that's so cool!!!! And Sonic Adventure has the best soundtrack!!! niko-wonderous Holy shit you play Sonic tunes and anime songs on guitar???? waow-based

                      I like headphones cuz I like the sound of the HD600s, good sound stage imo.

                      Luv open back headphones, simple as. Glad to hear you're enjoying big loud dynamic range though :3 Also luv me high dynamic range. Absolute banger.

                      Headphones are also way handier for working, ye. Horses for courses.

                      • rtstragedy [she/her, fae/faer]
                        24 days ago

                        Oh I hate that shit, I mean IR isn't great but cmon... there is a Wifi Harmony One but again too many remotes. HDMI-CEC is fuckin based, I like your pi btw :3

                        Thank you it's mostly just stock LibreELEC tbh, it comes with HDMI-CEC support

                        Yeah avoiding it is pretty based, it is a scum company. I buy on at least ebay or ali when I can instead.

                        makes sense, good idea...

                        Wtf that's so cool!!!! And Sonic Adventure has the best soundtrack!!! Holy shit you play Sonic tunes and anime songs on guitar????

                        I like them lol, Partner and I do a duet of Believe in Myself, lmao, we are corny. It gets stuck in my head anyway, so, might as well play it.

                        Luv open back headphones, simple as. Glad to hear you're enjoying big loud dynamic range though :3 Also luv me high dynamic range. Absolute banger.

                        Headphones are also way handier for working, ye. Horses for courses.


                        • ashinadash [she/her]
                          24 days ago

                          it's mostly just stock LibreELEC tbh,

                          But how cool is that, I love hdmi cec as a concept lol

                          I like them lol, Partner and I do a duet of Believe in Myself, lmao, we are corny.

                          Rarely am I ever compelled to say "relationship goals" but goddamn that rocks. I love to see it.

                          • rtstragedy [she/her, fae/faer]
                            24 days ago

                            But how cool is that, I love hdmi cec as a concept lol

                            oh yeah, i'm surprised his old tv even supports it in the bedroom, i had to turn on a setting but then it mostly works, takes like 15 seconds before it works after you turn in on but that's tolerable...

                            Rarely am I ever compelled to say "relationship goals" but goddamn that rocks. I love to see it.

                            crush nawww it's silly...

                            • ashinadash [she/her]
                              24 days ago

                              takes like 15 seconds before it works I think the oldest CEC displays are from 2009, just before TVs got enshittified, lmao. That is a slightly brutal startup time though...

                              crush nawww it's silly...

                              Silly is awesome in a relationship, I love silly!!! Laughing with your partner is the best anyway tbh ✨ relationship levity!

                              • rtstragedy [she/her, fae/faer]
                                24 days ago

                                I think the oldest CEC displays are from 2009, just before TVs got enshittified, lmao. That is a slightly brutal startup time though...

                                damn that's awesome!

                                Silly is awesome in a relationship, I love silly!!! Laughing with your partner is the best anyway tbh ✨ relationship levity!
