"China virus" my ass

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    4 years ago

    One of the worse parts is how the damage has been done for creating the narrative already. It has been written in stone already that China caused this and it's also fueling many other agendas against China so there is even less reason for people to believe where COVID-19 originated from, and the mass media is hardly going to rectify it. I also don't think it's very fair to blame the country of origin sometimes when it was just a completely unforeseen virus that emerged. If there was gross negligence, then by all means, blame them, but these things just *happen.*China, by all accounts did a very good job containing it in comparison to many other countries. What really matters, at least to me, is how well a country defends against it, and using that logic, the US is to blame the most because of how big of a mega ultra 360 no scope spreader it has been. I don't know much about pandemics, but not even protecting your own citizens is just a terrible thing. That's not even getting into the selfishness of the individual people in the country who, even against any government action, still continue to spread it themselves.

    • lvysaur [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Also it's infinitely more likely that this arose in the US than in Spain, IMO. There were multiple mass-pneumonias in 2019, with hundreds of kids calling in sick at the same time. Some of them are still up on youtube in local news stories, others have been taken down.

      Obviously pneumonia happens, but hundreds sick from the same school at the same time is very indicative of an extremely high level of contagion, which wasn't seen until, well, this.

      • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Not saying food caused this, but the US's notoriously bad food quality standards and almost complete lack of accountability seems to a cause of a lot of different outbreaks, big or small.

        I also do remember that rather mysterious pneumonia outbreak sometime back and never thought about till you mentioned that. I suppose time will just have to tell, but and I wont be shocked if it is from America since that also just makes sense.

      • agoddamncheeto [any]
        4 years ago

        Naw it for sure originated somewhere in South or Southeast Asia. Maybe the Middle East. They have only found SARS like coronaviruses in bat populations there, not in populations in Europe proper or the Americas. Totally possible it’s been spreading around in low levels in the population for a year or two though. It will be interesting to see where the locate the original bat reservoir, EcoHealth Alliance does good work here.