It's peak lib shit.
I know we've had the meme for a long time that while Repubs want more concentration camps, the Dems just want more female oppressors staffing the camps. Then Hollywood went and made a movie about exactly that.
There's even a line in the trailer, "We put ourselves in danger so others aren't."
And the team is international, too, just to check off a few more boxes. An American, Brit, German, Colombian, and Chinese woman walk into a bar... Let's all work together as woke queens to do the bidding of our shadowy handlers!
Fuck all the way off, Kinberg. And fuck everyone who signed off on this.
I'd be so hype if they pull the rug out from under this premise half way though by acknowledging just how fucked up this first world secret agent saviour fantasy is. It definitely won't, everyone loves taking the deals with the military to get free access to whatever locations and set pieces they want.
If anything, it will be a feel-good "if we just work together, we can defeat THE TERRORISTS!" kind of theme with a side of gurrrrrl power.
1000% but with the addition of painting certain countries that aren't China in a better light with the Chinese agent deciding her homeland doesn't fit the liberal buzzwords of the movie and defects to America after.
"We are alike because we both love our country, even if my country is not as perfect as your America."