Text of the Le Epic X tweet:

Let me see if it makes any more sense to people this way...

Masculinity creates stuff. Chopping wood, building homes, drilling for oil, farming food... that's all masculine behavior.

Femininity consumes stuff and transforms it. Homemaking, childbirth, decoration, nurturing... that's all feminine behavior.

The masculine CREATES. the feminine CONSUMES.

In order for the feminine to thrive, it needs the masculine to go GET and MAKE all the STUFF.

In order for the masculine to thrive, it needs to have the power to decide who GETS the stuff. In other words, it needs power over the feminine.

If I, as a man, go work hard and chop wood and build a home, I expect to live in it. I can invite others to live in it if I so choose, or kick them out. I can sell it. I can burn it down if I want. It's my home. I built it.

If I choose a woman to live in that home with me, it will be because she gives me something in return (brings something to the table). Typically, I expect her to maintain the home while I work, have my children, and raise them.

Because I created the STUFF, I have the power to decide who GETS the stuff.

We live in a time when the feminine has power over the masculine, which is why everything is disgusting and evil now.

Imagine building a home from scratch, and then the government tells you you're not allowed to live in it because someone else needs it more than you.

Wait a minute. Who SAYS they need it more than me? I didn't agree their needs were more important than mine.

"Oh, we all got together and voted! There are more of us than you, so what we value is important, and what you value isn't. Vacate the house you built or we'll have you murdered."

If that happened to you, would you build another house? Of course not. You'd join the masses and vote yourself a free one. Then some OTHER sucker would build a house, and you'd kick HIM out of it. Then HE would stop building houses.

If this goes on forever, eventually, consumption outpaces production. Then there are not enough houses. Then not enough food. Then people start killing each other for scraps and eating their own kids.

That's why I hate leftism so much. It's just feminine dominance codified into law. The more we allow this to happen, the more we will keep taking stuff away from the people who made it, and the more they will quit making it.

Redistribution of value (any time your government forces you to give to someone that you wouldn't give to yourself) puts the feminine in charge of the masculine, which always results in decay and tragedy.


I'm very sure this is the right direction to go now because of how people are responding to it. All of the criticisms so far can be summarized as "that went over my head and I'm not intelligent enough to realize it."

In a proper society, people create value where they're needed most. In that same society, women would overwhelmingly be creating value by dealing with the things that men either procure or create, like homes or food. Men farm, women cook. Men build, women clean.

Distribution can be a masculine thing when it's in, like, a chain of CostCos or something. You're talking about choosing where value goes in an in-group, which is nurture. Man brings home the food, woman decides who needs to eat what.

Of course, we don't live in a proper society. Lots of valuable people don't have any place to fit in. My closest friend is a small woman who primarily does manual labor, and it's not a great fit for her, but she has few other options because, well, we're in decay and people's connections are all scarce and weak

I'm sure that friend absorbs all that divorce energy radiation like a solid block of lead.

  • ObamaSama [he/him]
    8 days ago

    Damn if only he could realize that his hypothetical where people stop building houses because the product of their labor is stolen from them doesn’t result in production halting because they still need to, you know, survive. Would be crazy if we were already living in a world where people’s houses are constantly taken from them for not “producing enough” from his perspective.

    Idk how you can be so thoroughly clueless about the most basic structure of material incentives driving production even at the baby brained yeoman farmer ass level he’s speaking on. Yes, clearly every true manly man would build his own house on his own land exploiting the natural resources he owns (that are entirely sufficient to build a complete house) if not for the damn women stealing them after. That’s definitely how it worked in the good ol days when you just hopped in your wagon, headed west, shot the first brown person you saw, and instantly created a completely self sufficient homestead