Making a different type of guide this time. My progress on the gabapentinoid guide has slowed down, they're such complex drugs that the guide on them is going to be more involved than any of the guides I've written before. Anyways, magnesium. If you use anything harder than weed, you should take magnesium. You should probably take magnesium if you're sober too, but magnesium has special benefits for drug users. Magnesium is an interesting mineral, acting as a central nervous system depressant and muscle relaxer. If you've ever used epsom salt, that's just magnesium. But in this guide, I'll write about how it helps with hangovers, potentiation, and the addiction impacts of it.


This is an area where magnesium really shines. I find magnesium to be helpful for hangovers of all sorts, preloading magnesium before taking MDMA or another stimulant greatly reduces how bad the comedown/hangover is. It's less effective with alcohol, but still is greatly helpful, especially with tension headaches and migranes caused by it. If you are a stimulant user though, I honestly do not know how you live without magnesium. As you all know, I'm not much of a stimulant person, but the few times I've taken meth (unintentionally each time, my luck) the hangover has always been crazy bad. But magnesium and 5atp before an MDMA roll is enough to give the substance an afterglow.


Yeah, magnesium will potentiate pretty much whatever you throw at it. It makes opiates (including DXM and kratom) hit harder, it'll restart your coke or adderall dose if you take it at the right time and give you a psudo-speedball, it makes benzos feel smoother, increases absorption of gabapentinoids, there is not a single drug I can think of that isn't made better by magnesium. If you don't care about your personal health, you're too broke to invest in your own health, whatever it is, pick up magnesium to save money on drugs and to get higher.


I'm putting these together because I question the results of the hypothesis I've read based on personal experience, but also understand from personal experience what they're saying. Here's the page I'm talking about. To sum up the important bits

  • Many popular drugs result in a natural deficiency of magnesium
  • Magnesium has a moderating effect on the reward system of our brains, making drugs less addictive
  • Magnesium is shown to greatly reduce self-administration of drugs
  • Magnesium substantially helps with withdrawals

I am split on this path. Because like I said, magnesium makes drugs hit harder, however I also got off opiates after I started using magnesium to potentiate so I can't say that didn't have an effect. I also used it to get through withdrawal. At minimum, it helped me take less by potentiating what I did take, making my doses much lower. This is one where my anecdotal experience backs up the article, but I question how accurate it is since it's less of a study and more of a list of hypothesis.


Magnesium is one I'd suggest to anybody reading this, drug user or not. I have another post going into detail about magnesium for neurodivergent people and it helps with that too. Magnesium is such a good mineral, and one that should be in your arsenal for drug use.

    • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
      4 hours ago

      It applies to weed, but nowhere near as hard. Magnesium adds to the stoned feeling for sure, with it being a muscle relaxer, but it isn't the massive jump it is on hard drugs. With hard drugs, it's literally like you got an extra dose, with weed and softer drugs it feels like you took a tiny bit more.