But I hate to underestimate the dark side of the force.

  • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Republicans will not go back to feckless neocon shit bc they don’t want wars

    Ehhh, plenty of Q and MAGA people seem pretty down for war with China. Some even more than the neo-libs/cons. I don’t really think the isolationist, right populist contingent of the Republican Party is big as some people thing. I think Trumps less hawkish behavior is more cuz he’s lazy and doesn’t want to deal with a war.

    • Rodsoldier [he/him]
      4 years ago

      plenty of Q and MAGA people seem pretty down for war with China

      plenty of everyone in the western world is.
      In any group to the right of r/genzedong people just deepthroat whatever the US tells the media to say about China.
      WMDs 2.0.

      • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
        4 years ago

        True to an extent. But I’ll be honest, I think a lot of the more recent Saber rattling is just the DNC and the GOP trying to out big dick each other in foreign policy. Once either party wins cooler heads at the Pentagon are probably gonna have a sit down with the victors and go “okay you know an ACTUAL war with China is a REALLY BAD IDEA! Now that you’re in office maybe tell our media asset to cool it with the anti-China shit before we dig ourselves into something.”

        Thing is the DNC has more control of their base than the GOP. If they tell them to cool with the China hate they may actually do it. If the GOP stokes the fires too much their supporters will compel them to go through with it.

        Though maybe I’m entirely wrong and Biden will launch the aircraft carriers the second he wins. Idk.

        • quartz [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I think the idea that the people, chuds or no, could bait America into a war is not tenable. Remember, the institution of bougie democracy exists to enforce the will of the country's bougie douches upon the working class of the country and the world. No matter what, the arrow of government action will point the way the bourgeoisie wants it to. They're just throwing a tantrum because they thought the dengist shit would collapse China and they could hop in and economically balkanize. The people, even chuds, will be swayed by the massive wave of information as soon as the bourgeoisie begin a different tack. That's how I see it, at least 🤷‍♀️