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  • Pezevenk [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The KKE is pretty bad for a number of reasons I won't get into now. I am glad they're in the parliament for mainly historical reasons and, you know, having a communist presence but I am afraid they may not stay in parliament for many more years. Again, I don't support them at all but I am glad they're at least there. It would be a sad day if they fell below 3%, unless we managed to get together something better, which we are failing to do right now and there's a bunch of good leftists just sitting outside the parliament and failing to motivate people due to a complete lack of unity, and a recent ideological dominance of the right, in great part due to Syriza's joke of a government. These are the reasons I am kind of disappointed of the state of the left, and it's very hard to think of how we can fix it. Oh, also because Varoufakis is an individualist bougie dick who decided to throw together his own party which is not connected to, like, anyone and anything, then scooped up a bunch of left leaning voters who were mostly desperate to vote for something that is neither Syriza nor KKE mainly due to name recognition, and then barely managed to get into the parliament so that he can say dumb quasi-reactionary nonsense and stroke his ego while rarely participating in any protests and actual stuff happening in the streets. I am organized but we're part of a party that clearly has no future and I just have no idea how we can, like, kill it and unite with other orgs to create something better. It seems like no one is willing to do that. I guess at least we are trying more than the others to achieve that but that's not good enough.