Chapotony Chatano here, internet's busiest hogposter, and it's time for another edition of "Let's Argue", where we're on the internet, we accept your hot takes, unpopular opinions, and tough questions, and we struggle sesh over all of them. Leeeeet's, GO!

  • grillpilled [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Calling out people you know irl for being racist is hard. I haven't had any good results from it at all. Just losing friends and making family members like me less. I don't think it's made anyone less racist.

    It's worked with people I know online, though. I don't know why it works online but not irl. Maybe it's just me.

      • grillpilled [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That's what I've been trying to do, but it hasn't worked for me. Sometimes they'll agree with me when I'm calling them out, but then they'll go right back to saying the same things, like they were only agreeing to get me to stop talking.

    • garbology [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I know it's made friends-of-friends dislike me, talk behind my back, but, and this is the key, they stopped being racist around me.

      Keeping that shit to themselves might mean they don't get less racist, but it certainly keeps them from shitting up other people's brains.

    • Minnesocialism [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Hey you're not alone there! I just got into this with my actual fascist cousin. I don't stand a chance at changing him, he's too far gone. But it does help to at least make him state his vile points out loud in the open.

    • grylarski [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Nobody changes immediately. I was shitlib getting canned for woke stuff to I guess bully people and I got called out a bunch before I learned a lesson, and it never happened in the immediate conversation. Happened in the background... In weeks.