He revealed on stream it's short for Charismatic Hunks Uphold Discipline. And 10% of the profits will go directly to anti-circumcision advocacy group "cocks and rocks".

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      16 hours ago

      geordi-yes Opposing an unnecessary surgical procedure when it has no medical or even religious necessity for most babies

      geordi-no Making "intactivism" an obnoxious personal crusade that must invade every possible conversation, especially when FGM gets brought up for some reason

  • pooh [she/her, any]
    17 hours ago

    What is up with chuds and having messy rooms? I mean, I’m certainly not the tidiest person but some of these people are straight up bathing in filth (not the good kind).

    • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
      16 hours ago

      It's the difference between mess (leaving clothes around the room) and dirt (literal smelly, and roaches living in your dirt). Comrade I'm sure you're just messy, not dirty.

  • Luna [she/her]
    16 hours ago

    Wow I read this post twice before realizing it was fake news. I don't usually fall for these...

    Remember when this guy was talking about how anti-genocide protesters dared to inconvenience him?

    • Robert_Kennedy_Jr [xe/xem, xey/xem]
      15 hours ago

      Each product is personally embedded with roach eggs from Asmongolds bedroom, guaranteed to hatch as soon as they sense Gamer sweat.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    16 hours ago

    Yeah yeah fakenews top kek and all that, but considering what heated-gamer-moment has already said and done for "irony" purposes, I don't find it funny even as a bit because it's too close to what may actually happen next.

  • Vernon_Tennessee [null/void, he/him]
    15 hours ago

    I feel like the anti circumcision has more to do with some weird antisemitism than ljke actually opposing the lack of necessity of circumcision.