How many days until Biden stops this one via executive order or someshit
Would be bad look during an election where they're trying to advertise how pro labor they are.
What do unions and strikes have to do with being pro labor? Being pro labor just means putting more tariffs on China, signing fracking contracts, opening up more jobs at Boeing and Lockheed Martin, and sending every Spanish speaking man in the country to a CIA black site, Jack.
Pro Labor is when we bring more fake finance sector jobs to a dozen people at the cost of thousands and thousands of actual working class jobs that produce real things
Mayo Pete is gonna derail and explode another toxic train into the middle of the picket.
then Biden will sign an executive order decertifying the union and lowering the age of dockworkers to 12.
and then say, "trump would have made it 9."
asked for comment, Biden said "the ILA needs to give up its hostages and negotiate a ceasefire."
he went on to clarify, "workin at the dock should never be a lirtra... a literal bahhtal-- battlef--.. workin at the dock should never a little battlefella"