The HR thing I posted about never went away and I got fired today. Already applied for unemployment so at least I'll now get paid while I search for another shitty job and I won't be spending $300 a month on gas just to get to work.

It's kind of a relief in a way. This job was a major source of stress for me and it's not like I'm the only person they've fired recently. They've been letting people go left and right, getting rid of long-time veterans to cut down on wage costs I suppose, so I'll just take the L, chill the rest of the day, and try to get some things done around the house.

    3 hours ago

    I am unemployed, and I still don't collect benefits, because it's just way too low, and it's not worth dealing with the bureaucratic complexity and corruption.

  • peeonyou [he/him]
    8 hours ago

    i almost walked off the job today after hitting my bullshit limit... i took my badge clip off my pants and put it in my drawer, cleaned out my coffee cup and stuck it in my bag, and prepared to walk out the door after i got a purple in the face "WHAT ARE YOU EVEN THINKING??" response to an innocent question about some shit that isn't even my fucking job to deal with but was thrust upon me as everything always is.

    i was just waiting for one more fucking word from anyone and no one said anything so I took a nice walk around the office neighborhood for 30ish minutes, got a coffee, and fucked around for a bit before going back and packing my shit up, and heading home early.

    i fully expect to be fired at the drop of a hat as soon as they can find someone they think will be a better doormat but at this point i think i'm gonna end up just leaving before that happens.. can't do it anymore.

    also, good luck with everything.. the job market is hot garbage but spamming enough applications tends to get some hits!

  • Vampire [any]
    10 hours ago

    A welfare queen? On our nice reaganist site?

  • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
    10 hours ago

    Hey I’m sad to see you’re now going to be spending time looking for employ again, but same time I’m glad you dont have the stress over your shoulders. Stress just festers and eats away at you and makes you angry, sad, and a whole heap of other negative shit.

    If they’re letting go of long-timers there’s some shit going on there and while it might be nice superficially to have not been shit canned, sometimes the added stress on everyone else who now is expected to just absorb the workload isn’t worth surviving not being fired. I’ve been in both spots and I think being fired is more stressful upfront but being left over after a firing is just long term stress. Any place that is offing the long timers, the ones who know where every single switch is, all the hidden shutoffs/breakers/procedures, is shooting themselves in the foot. Being a long timer tends to mean you get taken advantage of wage wise, but those are the ones that know all the obscure shit that makes the whole thing work.

    Anyway, now you’ve got time to get your posting numbers up, comrade.

  • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
    8 hours ago

    If you want some gig work doing AI training, happy to give you a referral! Its how ive supported myself the past few months.

    Shit sucks, good luck out there! On month 13 of unemployment myself.

  • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
    10 hours ago

    Assuming you have some savings and benefits cover a decent chunk of your expenses, might be worthwhile taking a week or two off before starting a job search. Looking for work can itself be pretty stressful and your mind deserves a break.

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      10 hours ago

      I burned through my savings last year through a series of vacations and then some unforeseen car/dental emergencies and ever-rising cost of living

      Ironically without my commute I might be able to actually save money, especially since now I'll have a lot more time to cook at home

  • booty [he/him]
    10 hours ago

    Just be prepared for them to find a way to screw you out of unemployment. Every single person between you and the money is going to do anything and everything in their power not to pay you

    But yes I entirely understand that feeling of relief. It means it was for the best, as long as you can find another job before the savings run out

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      8 hours ago

      My brother is still a manager with the company (in another department, recently forced to move there from the department he was in, it's a whole thing) so he has inside knowledge and he told me not to worry about that. It overall costs less to just approve unemployment than it does to absorb court costs of lawsuits. California, for all its being a neoliberal shithole, actually has fairly robust worker protection in comparison to some parts of the country.

      • booty [he/him]
        6 hours ago

        Oh nice, I'm glad to hear that! Yeah in my part of the country it's a real fight to get any unemployment.