I went to a weirdly religious public highschool (and jr highschool) in the United States where I was one of the few not-Christian students, with an LDS principal and more than one psycho-Christian teacher/coach who believed that Obama was the anti-Christ

  • keki_ya [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    “abstinence only” sex ed people come and talk at our highschool

    we had this one mormon dude come in (a public school, mind you) and explain to us how jacking off to porn makes your wife hate you. this was in my sophmore year so like only a few years ago??? crazy that this shit is still going on.

    but most of them ended up married and/or pregnant by 22 lol

    same here lmao, the hyper-religious Jesus crusaders were always the ones doingthe most drugs and getting arrested, partying, etc. Not that any of that is super bad or anything, I just think it's funny how hypocritical they were.