I'll start, I missed the outdoor cats struggle session so i don't know what its deal was except a vague idea that outdoor cats were bad, so I've let my two cats stay being outdoor cats because I feel bad locking them inside, like I want to give them some experience of freedom to go where they please so they can live more fulfilling lives

Edit: also kruschev is imo a lot better than most hexbear users give him credit for

  • Florn [they/them]
    11 months ago

    I'm not a Catholic stan, but I'll grant that the Catholics among my cousins are way less fucked up than than my cousins who were raised Protestant

    • Barabas [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Which is fine. Just remember there being a load of people who genuinely thought that the Catholic Church was progressive because they got the 'cool pope'.