Steve2 [any]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2020


  • They also demolished the branch davidian compound at Waco and demolish drone strikes on civilians as a matter of course. It seems routine, just demolish everything when something bad happens and we don't want anyone to look into it. Did they demolish columbine high school?

  • I don't know either. There would have to be a pretty intense treaty program and negotiation and for what it's worth, from what I've heard from indigenous peoles, they usually don't want all the settlers to leave. But maybe we'd have to handle it like the French and the pied-noirs in Algerian decolonization, I really don't know.

  • You could just do a Keynes-style thing and start massive projects to provide employment at low interest rates, we all know how shitty all the infrastructure is and how much needs to be done for supply chains. But yeah, if you give up on government actually directing anything then you just get nothing. Feels weird living in the time period future marxists will say "disproved" neoliberalism (same way the 30s disproved classical economics and the 70s disproved a lot of Keynes' assumptions).

  • Bro you can cultivate a strong internal microbiome without also having poop flake spray lol, just eat yogurt - unless you're vegan but if you are vegan, chances are your microbiome is better from all the fiber. It's fair that you have sensory issues with cleaning products but you still gotta maintain a level of cleanliness... whatever, sounds like your system is working for you, so who am I to judge.