The longshoremen turned violent
...when someone tried to run them over in a dump truck
Also he was able to give an interview afterwards.
The fact he can still talk after trying to run down picketers is better than he deserves.
Cops would've shot him if he was left of Mitt Romney.
The words "turned violent" in news reports are interesting because they always refer to a response to violent action rather than the actual inciting violent action.
Strikes "turn violent" when the workers respond to somebody trying to run them over.
Protests "turn violent" when the protesters respond to cops teargassing and beating them.
Huh, I wonder why they are using the passive voice...
... the driver said he was instructed by the police to collect the garbage despite the picket line
Well isn't that a coincidence!
As opposed to, presumably, becoming matadors and causing the garbage truck driver to plunge into the sea. They could have then sang Hamilton songs as they emerged from the water to capture a new fan in the marketplace of ideas.
violent unaccountable paramilitary organization incites clashes at local
demonstrationnegotiation site
list of possible suspects who may have a motive to run over striking members of the Debardeurs' Union
"Driver 'mysteriously' vanishes after confrontation with longshoreman, union spokesperson claims he 'ain't never seen no truck driver'"
Should've said it's bombs for the israeli military, they wouldve let him through.