A 6 is like a 2, and an 8 is anywhere between a 5 and a 9 and a 9 is like a 7.
As a German I was like "Goon over Angela Merkel?! Eeeeeeew"
...which puts me in the minority of Germans, I guess.
There people are like some kind of Bizarro version of the old Moral Majority. Instead of "nothing can be sexualized," it's "nothing can not be sexualized."
I haven’t seen this take anywhere else. Just people talking about this Wikipedia incident. Don’t think it’s a very large group of people upset about her design.
Out of all the Angelas to be upset over lately, they chose this one?
Yeah, it was just a kid's show, no idea why that settled on that particular art style for it though. It's so unsettling.
tbh i always figured most kids were watching it out of morbid curiosity lol
I remember watching it as a kid, but I couldn't tell you a single episode plot, I think it was a pretty bog-standard kids in school premise, so the art style might've been a way to make it more distinct. The random clip of it on the Digimon movie VHS is the only thing I really remember about it.
All these people act like people aren't gonna re-design the 3D model for R34 videos or aren't gonna play the game with nude mods and shit.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and not masturbate to cartoons. It was their final, most essential command.
-johnge orwell, 1984
I was always more of a Resident Evil sorta guy but as far as I know Angela isn't really a sex pot sort of character so I don't understand this at all.
Not that it's worth trying to make sense of gamer horniness I suppose.