I'm pretty fucking up there after a fresh wave of RuSsiA accusations.

All I want to do is take a tire iron to some fucking cars. Edit: nah, fuck that. I want to take a tire iron to some fucking faces.

  • Balkinbalkans [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm N + 1 furious these days.

    I'm getting a little angrier each day as I see the death toll rising, the Republicult pretending God will protect us from the virus, and libs acting like progressives who won't blindly vote for Biden are now Literally Hitler-tier monsters. It boggles my mind that they say we can't go hard on Trump voters as the racist dickheads they are because we might alienate them, but they have no problem telling the progressives they're selfish pieces of shit for refusing to swallow the Biden pill.

    I'm tired of being told I have to be the adult in the room.