• KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    4 years ago

    There is no animosity. FBI are mostly ex-local cops, and FBI is america’s political police

    I think you're underestimating how hard they get when they get to exert dominance, though. They're institutionally on top and guard that very jealously, even if that means stomping on their own allies to do it. Police departments attempting coups are a direct affront to the feds' authority, and they'd almost certainly come down on it hard to preserve their own status and power. Hell, they'd probably do it if it was other feds trying to do a coup too, if for no other reason than eliminating their own personal competition, since surely cracking down on "those traitors in [whatever branch]" would be a notable accomplishment when they're trying to suck up to their boss while golfing at the country club.

    • AbolishAmerikkka [he/him]
      4 years ago

      They’re mostly trump supporters. The FBI sees the left as the traitors, not overly zealous trump supporters/cops.

      • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
        4 years ago

        As I said, you're underestimating their elitism. They're not gonna sit idly by and watch some dumbass cops rise up against their state, nor would they tolerate open rebellion in their own ranks. Like if J. Chudly from the Pedo-Honeypot task force joined an armed rebellion, G. Ammon in Major Crimes isn't thinking "well gee he makes a good point" he's thinking "if I clap him in handcuffs maybe I can get his office and take his spot golfing with Director Ghoulhart."

        They're vile, criminal ghouls, but they're interested in preserving the status quo and the institutions of the state because that's where their power comes from. Open, armed rebellion is a direct threat to their power and their cushy lives. That's kind of the key division in the American right that's been there forever: there's the established bourgeoisie-aristocrats and their lackeys that fill the highest echelon's of the state's violent enforcement branches, and there's the resentful fascist petit bourgeoisie who lack the social connections to really be on top and their cronies who fill out local police departments (this is how America existed as a fascist apartheid state and the number one global sponsor of fascism over most of the 20th century while also having a lively, violent fascist resistance against them domestically). They both have vested interests against the left, but they also have their own power struggles to consider: the upper class fascists want to preserve their power and gain more, which requires preserving the system they already control; the vulgar fascists want to seize a bigger share of the pie for themselves and feel that the established system is their enemy because it doesn't provide that to them.

        That's why the feds routinely step in to fuck with local pigs and fascist militias when they step too far out of line: they accurately see the role of the police and of fascist paramilitary groups as beings weapons of terror against the working class and left, but when they threaten the rich or the state itself they'll step in and make an example of them to try to keep the others in line.

        • AbolishAmerikkka [he/him]
          4 years ago

          There were NY FBI agents leaking stuff about Hillary Clinton to hell trump win before the 2016 election. The FBI has plenty of the vulgar fascists in it. And trump has installed more of them in the leadership roles at the top of agencies such as DHS etc. it’s not as clear but as you think it is any more. All the local cops have to do is make some BS up about voter fraud after the election and start arresting Democrat politicians who they don’t like. And the FBI would mostly go along with it i think.