Remember, EM POC only!

I still don't have power, so I spent a lot of time at this cafe that is open late just to ensure that I have a full battery. I stayed there until they closed.

As utterly fucking frustrating as this is, it seems as if Tuesday/tomorrow is the latest I can expect to have power. So many houses around me already seem to have it.

I might be able to actually sleep with ease again as my room won't be disgustingly hot anymore. I could complain about it for ages, and I could get a lot more vulgar too, especially considering the whole fucked up context of the American government being more invested in putting in billions to fund fascist operations in Isn'trael and UKKKraine instead of providing relief to their own citizens that just endured the wrath of a very rough, cheek-clapping hurricane.

amerikkka isntrael ukkkraine

Ay, ay, ay...

How are you all doing?

  • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]M
    2 days ago

    I SAW THAT!! when they did the opening pitch they said that boba was sugary and we "dont know whats in it" like.. so so openly racist. ans the fact that the black guy and the indian women (her the most) WERE GOING TO BAT FOR THESE CLOWNS SAYING SHIT LIKE "not everything has to be traditional" FUCK OFF FOREVER. simu lui did a pretty great job in that moment i gotta say.. (hes sooooooo cute hes soooooo cute i can fix him hes soooooooooooooooooo cute) oh oh oh and the worst part was the online backlash becasue he said that boba was apart of his cultural heritage. and then the libs ROSE UP TO SHRIEK "YOUR CHINESE BOBA IS TAIWANESE SO YOURE THE REAL CULTURAL APPROPRIATER"