It's a situation that I have been expecting for a while, but I wasn't fully ready to accept it. Specifically it's one of my LGBTQ friends who honestly believes in the democrats will protect them and their partner. I have tried to make the point that both parties are eroding any sort of civility towards all marginalized groups, but fear seems to drive them more than logical observations. They make the excuse that change doesn't happen over night and that the left continues to grow and will have meaningful affects down the road. I fundamentally just don't agree with that idea and vocalize it regularly. More and more it is ending up in a circular argument where I am painted as unrealistic and my rhetoric (leftist rhetoric) is doing more harm than good because it promotes distrust in the only system we have to work with. I try to tell them it's kind of the whole point. We gotta start somewhere if we want to see a better, more representative system, but they are so hung up on the immediate future while simultaneously saying that my idealistic feelings are shortsighted and I cant expect change in the immediate future... The double-talk is wild, I know.

I am trying my hardest to stop from engaging at this point because on the most basic level we agree on a lot of stuff, but they are just way to wrapped up in the fear mongering of the democratic party. They know that the two party system is broken, they know that something drastic needs to change, but they also think that they are powerless to do anything except choose the lesser evil. It pains me because I am watching them do the same shit past generations have done, where they give up on their ideals for the sake of preserving the current status quo that they benefit from. I am legitimately watching them imply "fuck you, got mine" under the guise of civic duty and I hate it. I want nothing more than to be able to finally say "I told you so" without being a smug asshole about it and ruining our friendship.

Thanks for reading my rant. It's probably a bit disjointed, but the frustration is boiling over and I needed to vent to the only group of people that seems to understand the hopelessness of being a disenfranchised leftist.

  • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 hours ago

    No one helped Trump more than the Democrats. That is on THEM, not us. They collusion deliberately leveraged their media contacts to prop Trump up and increase his popularity to cult status to ensure he was the nominee to play existential chicken with the electorate. It called the Pied Piper Strategy.

    They then use Trump as a shield to do their reich wing fascist ratchet effect bullshit anyways - much like you are doing using cheeto-man to defend getting people on board to consenting to genocide. this-is-fine

    Democrats full hearted embrace of genocidal policies and the Bush/Cheney PNAC forever war doctorine and it's wealthy bribers and fanatical zealots in the military industial complex is helping Trump. It's complete dismissal / persecution of peace activists, and looking the other way while state after state criminalized LGBTQ+ rights doing NOTHING while they have the presidency and Senate.

    The next will be "oh but they need full control" - look at how useless they are in California where they have a veto proof super majority, the world’s 5th largest economy, and refuse to pass a universal healthcare system (Calcare). Look at when Obama had his and said Abortion wasn't a priority - or the last 50 years that they could have codified it into law.

    Obama campaigned on fixing the Bush Chney disaster and then did everything they did and worse obama-drone .

    It took activists going against the DNC and the DC advocacy orgs like HRC to push lawsuits via grassroots to get gay marraige through. The DC orgs are designed to kick the can down the road as long as possible milking the issue ...."being pragmatic" while they go to cocktail parties and fancy galas with your donations. We had to force the Deboer vs Snyder issue. to the supreme court. The GoFundMe page, while inactive now, is still up for historical reasons.

    The activists forcing the issue of marriage outside of the "pragmatic change is slow" has become a UofM case study (PDF) DeBoer v. Snyder: A Case Study In Litigation and Social Reform

    Biden can stop the genocide by cutting off the arms flow. The Democrats should have been codifying trans rights into federal law instead of letting the Republicans and their pseudoscience fascists go ALEC cookie cutter across flyover country. DaBiden was more concerned about making Ukkkraine a burn pit dumping ground for arms and genociding Palestine than the rights of his own people.

    But at least Michelle Obama gives hugs and chocolate kisses to GW Bush and Liz and Dick Cheney endoreses Kopmala. They'll probably rehabilitate Trump at some point down the line when their next Frankenstein's monster they helped prop up needs civility.

    Genocide should be red line, not one you compromise with or use Trump as a shield or comfort blanket. And if the Democrats have an issue with people not holding their nose for the unpteenth time because the abusive relationship has gone too far then that is on the Democrats. Simple policy things that they are fully in control of that can change NOW. Kamala Harris has shown no remorse for genocide. She has shown every intention for continued support of genocide.

    Then there's this whole firced Red Scare 3.0 evil Russia / China bullshit they stsrted in 2015 too. Probably a new Lavender Scare to accompany it is why they look the other way o LGBTQ rights under attack. They can fuck off with that. Russia and China are economc competitors they are not our mortal enemy. They want resources? Make a deal rather than spend trillions in saber rattling and arms races. Idiots going to get us all killed.

    If they lose then that is on THEM not us. We tried a last gasp of saving the party from itself in 2016 after DECADES of playing the hold the nose lesser evil game. No more. Don't blame 3rd parties. That's the fault of Democrats becoming the party of Bush and Cheney. That's the fuck-around of becoming neocons. The whole Nader thing? The Dmeocrats also ran their VP of an unpopular with labor and the left Clinton. Baggage. Then the supreme court, jeb , HW bush, dubya-paint appointed the son of a CIA director with Cheney, who is now oh so cuddles with the Democrats. So that's all moot, they became Bush and Cheney anyways - and they will become Trump lovers next.

    The Democrats will never move to the left again. You must realize this.

    If Trump wins - he is term limited. Most likely the Dems will recover a branch in 2026 effectively lame ducking Trump. Then in 2028 you get a non-incumbant election with the dems set up like Obama 2008 was. Even if they do they'll squander it and learn nothing.
