Link to his tweet

You know, my plan when Bernie eventually dies, was to not exactly celebrate; but more to reflect that, yeah even though he ended up being a liberal Zionist piece of shit I respect the fact that he started something that got many of us on the pipeline.

But fuck that, now I will be doing crab dances when he dies and piss on his grave.

  • bigbrowncommie69 [any]
    3 hours ago

    We need to stop crediting Bernie with making people socialist. It's great man theory and it's anti-materialist bs. Bernie did not invent socialism. He was just the guy who capitalised on a lot of people feeling dissolutioned and turning toward left-wing ideas. Many of us would have found our way to the left without Bernie. If it wasn't him it would have been one of the numerous "left tubers" cropping up around the same time, or the actual left parties trying to assert a presence or some other SocDem grifter trying to convince people that the liberal party is the path to socialism.

    In reality, the "Bernie moment" has been a road block for far more people than a pipeline. He claimed what he was selling was socialism and people fell for it and now everyone's dissolutioned, waiting for the next Bernie or else still trying to work within the party that screwed him. He got a lot of people who could have been genuinely radicalised in a period of economic turmoil to hitch their wagon to the "progressive wing" of the DNC and they're not letting go.

    Bernie killed leftist momentum in the US. He didn't ignite it. It began with Occupy and it was derailed by his bullshit grifting. Guy should have just run as DSA or independent ffs. He's right-wing for a SocDem ffs.