CleverOleg [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2023


  • We’re also seeing that either the Chinese government has less control over its own banks than we previously thought, or they believe that the economic benefits of trading with Western countries still far outweigh a closer relationship with Russia (a very tiny economy compared to the collective West), indicative of their inability to wean off an export-oriented economy.

    My hunch is that it’s the later. It tracks with all the other moves China has made in recent years, where trade with the west is prized over potentially harming that trade with “hostile” moves like de-dollarization.

  • He’s right that the Americans wanted to genocide the indigenous people west of the Appalachians and take their land, and that was a big reason why they declared independence because the British wouldn’t let them.

    He’s wrong that the British were restricting expansion out of morals and preserving the land for the indigenous peoples. It was just for the British, that maintaining a military presence in the Ohio Valley was much more expensive than the economic benefits they would get. If the numbers worked out a little differently they would have been just as eager to genocide as the Americans.

  • He described speaking Russian as a major offense for Ukrainians.

    Remember, folks, Ukraine did nothing to provoke Russia in the years leading up to the SMO. They certainly didn’t persecute Russian language speakers or kill over 14,000 people (primarily Russian speakers) in the years between Euromaidan and the SMO. No sir, Ukraine was just a smol bean minding its own business, yep…

  • If the Grenfell Tower disaster happened in China, this man would have been executed by the state within a year of it happening.

    (And the clarify to any lemmy libs wandering in here… I 100%, unironically think Lord Pickles should have been executed by the state for all this)