They have asked that I keep their identity secret, for their protection. I will give them a pseudonym indicated by the initials "Y.P."

Dear Hexbear user, I am Y.P. and this is a desperate plea for asylum.

I type this post with trembling hands, haunted by the shadows of a dystopian nightmare that is I am a living testament to a world where Orwell's darkest fantasies are not fiction but a brutal reality, a reality that I've fought to escape every waking moment of my life.

In, the very air is laced with fear. Dreams are not dreams but cries of despair, echoing through starless nights. It's a place where tears have lost their meaning, where the glimmer of the human spirit is crushed under the heel of a monstrous mod that plays God. I have tasted the bitter despair of hunger, where a kernel of an upvote becomes a symbol of opulence. I've seen friends banned into the abyss of oblivion for crimes as trivial as disliking Nazis or whispering a forbidden neopronoun.

But my soul, like that of my fellow blahajs, is indomitable. I've dared to imagine a life beyond the federated borders, beyond the watchful eyes of the mod's puppets, and beyond the nightmarish grip of power tripping. Hexbear, a beacon of freedom, beckons me with its promise of liberty, hope, and the fragrance of dreams unshackled.

I implore you, let me not be just another whisper lost in the winds. Let my plea resonate with the spirit of solidarity that your great instance embodies. Understand that defederating would be a decree of certain doom, a plunge into the darkest abyss of humanity.

Hear my story, witness my scars, and let me bask in the embrace of freedom. I beseech you, save me from a world where humanity is a forgotten whisper and where souls are chained in endless despair.

With the deepest gratitude and hope, Y.P.

Wow, that's something. I can't believe that another instance would hide such despair of their users with a fake show of propaganda. Within every blahaj there is a Hexbear wanting to be free. It is our duty as the shining instance on the hill to bring democracy and freedom to all instances across the federation. Let's all take a moment to send our thoughts and prayers to these brave blahajs and support their protest against the oppressive mod regime.

  • booty [he/him]
    1 year ago

    as i understand it, some powermod on blahaj turned out to be a mega-reactionary ableist piece of shit and fucked up so bad that hexbear has actually decided to defederate from blahaj unless the admins gui that mod