Yell the N Word at a black man begging you to come at him so he can shoot you, literally saying "Fuck around and find out"

Decide you don't want to fuck with this guy

Walk off and immediately pick a fight with the first person you see

Get shot



  • Comrade_Crab [any]
    4 years ago

    No offense, but you sound like someone who would classify the Democrats and the LibDems as left-wing. I'm just grateful that actual leftists 80 years ago didn't have qualms about killing fascists.

    • mick_nullen [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Lol no there are plenty of MLs who think violence is only justifiable as self-defense, is always tragic, and think that a movement animated by bloodlust will always fail to gain momentum with the working class. Plenty of Palestinian activists in Gaza organize along these same principles so don't hit me with "PaCiFiSm Is FoR tHe PrIvIleGeD" when being grossed out by people celebrating death. The Denver situation is funny and probably classifies as self-defense, but a lot of people here are giddy in a gross way that loses mass support.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I’m just grateful that actual leftists 80 years ago didn’t have qualms about killing fascists.

      This just shows you are unfamiliar with the history of successful movements, because they absolutely didn't start killing randos when they had virtually no social acceptance, and there are numerous famous cases where communist parties denounced members who killed people at inopportune times. I'm talking about actual communists who fought guerilla wars.

      Usually the only groups that ignored considerations of what is acceptable in the current situation and what their power was were certain anarchists and rather marginal maoist groups, and they never worked out well. Like I said, cops and secret services all over the world literally have people do this shit sometimes to fuck up movements and have an excuse to crack down on them. I don't understand why we should afford them their luxury to do it on ourselves.