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  • rab [he/him]
    11 months ago

    My city actually does recycle soiled pizza boxes, supposedly

    • Twink
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • forcequit [she/her]
    11 months ago

    I did but then it came out we were just sending our recycling to landfill anyway. Also we ship our waste overseas so other people have to deal with it instead, and when they stop dealing with it we look for another port instead of actually doing anything about it. The one time we tried to do something about it we just gave a bunch of money to a company that just warehoused soft plastics while, you guessed it, not doing anything about it

    • Twink
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    I make an effort to tidy up and recycle paper products, glass, and metals. I'm pretty ambivalent about plastics, but try to recycle them anyways. eWaste sits in a bag in my house for ages until I finally drag it in.