Apologies for the delay but here they are. As per usual, if your pronouns aren't in the list, please comment them here and I'll see that they get added.

UPDATE: “Undecided” and “None/Use Name” have now been added.

    • the_river_cass [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I'm having this same discussion twice:

      how something is intended and how something is received are not the same thing. you might intend they/them to be heard as simply confirming the referent’s gender but I, for example, will always feel like an alien when I’m called they. he makes me feel like I’ve been punched. she makes me feel happy. one of these is correct, the others are wrong.

      the same thing is true of people with genders outside the binary. if they/them makes them feel weird, why would you insist on calling them that?

      the key point is that people outside the binary have genders, would like to be gendered, and the existing pronouns do not meet the bill because they either refer to binary gender or are neutral.