Apologies for the delay but here they are. As per usual, if your pronouns aren't in the list, please comment them here and I'll see that they get added.

UPDATE: “Undecided” and “None/Use Name” have now been added.

  • the_river_cass [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Putting the onus on others to refer to you as “deer” is sure to make sure everyone knows you identify as some sort of fawn-person (which still has gendered expression, per a doe vs deer/fawn vs stag/hart pronoun). That’s well beyond just wanting to ensure people don’t trigger dysphoria by misgendering you with language.

    this is deeply uncharitable. I'm not going to speculate on intentions when people ask me to use pronouns.

    No normal person not already eyeballs-deep in the sub-subculture is going to say “doe went to the store to buy deerself dinner” in a real sentence. I am not sure it’s reasonable to even expect people to.

    I and other trans people in this community are and do. we have solidarity for each other.

    your whole position here is invalidating and presumptive. I ask you to rethink this from a more empathetic frame of mind.

    The cat is not spoken in the sentence, but is inferred onto every personal pronoun. A more linguistically valid construction than racialized pronouns, since pronoun-dropping is a feature of existing languages.

    do you see how this isn't a concrete ask we can make of other people? you're asking for them to change how they perceive you -- but it's not something they can show through action.