Something like this doesn't exist in Poland, well not in the shape or form it's in the US. At most if someone has the ability to, you will see officially printed banners from a party being hanged on someone's fence.

Here's an example how this even looks like, straight from a banner printing service:

Of course they are an eyesore, a waste of materials, and are littered fucking everywhere during election season.

Okay, sometimes there's exceptions


But they aren't novelty items that are stylized to look like straight out of Barbie.

So again. Why the fuck is America such a weird and wild country? Why the fuck would anyone promote a politician out of their own pocket in a "quirky" and "cutesy" or "relatable" way???

Jesus I hate the US. Yes this is a bit of a vent post, cry about it :3


  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    1 day ago

    Why the fuck is America such a weird and wild country? Why the fuck would anyone promote a politician out of their own pocket in a "quirky" and "cutesy" or "relatable" way???

    In the US politics is like sports or entertainment. I call it Team Democrat vs Team Republican. For example the average MSNBC viewer watches an insane amount of that crap every day. I think it's ~7 hours. The average viewer is also a retiree at ~70 years old. This is what they choose to do in their retirement. And - of course - the average Fox News viewer is the other side of that.

    When an American uses a word like "sacred" in regards to voting - they are nearly certainly unaware of how insane that sounds to people from other countries and leftists in general. The fetishization and conflation of the flag, voting, the Constitution etc are American civil religion and American exceptionalism. Some Americans fly the flag 365 days a year. One of my neighbors has a flag out every day. I can see it through the window when I'm at my computer desk.

    American exceptionalism is very weird to me. If we are so great - why don't we compare ourselves to other countries to prove it? But Americans want to live in their bubble. American exceptionalism is a tautology based on the fantastic level of wealth of our country and our military.

    Political tribalism was added to the mix. There was some in the pre 9/11 but that event caused different insanity - war-brained insanity and political sectarianism was pushed aside for a while. Of course - it came roaring back when Obama was president and it carried through to today. So people will be proud of being an American and being a Democrat or Republican.

    American civil religion

    American civil religion is a sociological theory that a nonsectarian religious faith exists within the United States with sacred symbols drawn from national history. Scholars have portrayed it as a common set of values that foster social and cultural integration. The ritualistic elements of ceremonial deism found in American ceremonies and presidential invocations of God can be seen as expressions of the American civil religion.

    The concept goes back to the 19th century, but the current form of this theory was developed by sociologist Robert Bellah in 1967 in the article, "Civil Religion in America". According to Bellah, Americans embrace a common civil religion with certain fundamental beliefs, values, holidays, and rituals in parallel to, or independent of, their chosen religion.

    Bellah's article soon became the major focus at religious sociology conferences and numerous articles and books were written on the subject. Interest in the topic reached its peak with the American Bicentennial celebration in 1976.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      23 hours ago

      Flag shagging is ridiculed here, rightly so. It's an embarrassing thing that should be kept in check because of the types of people it creates when it's out of hand.

      Anti-nationalism should be one of the biggest parts of a leftist america movement. There's a reason the feds are signal boosting patsocs, they've already identified it's a critical component that communists should be targeting and with a growing left the intel agencies are getting ahead of the game.