I made a comment about this on a Vic post and wanted to ask more formally as to who would be interested. If you are, leave a comment. If we have a good amount of people interested I would not mind working to get something put together. I know we have a good few players.
P.S. Vic games are long as shit and usually one is split over multiple sessions.
I own but haven't played it- and can't really claim to have played other Paradox 4xes much. (most I have is 10hrs on Stellaris- did play 60hrs Cities Skylines though lol) Interested tho
Well if you'd like to join in spite of that or watch feel free too. However, this game is very steep learning wise and you probably will die.
Good point, hmm. Depending on when I could join in spite of it and just try to tank (insert western country) to oblivion lol