I was debating with my dad (as usual, nothing violent), about bad shit that the Imperialist countries had done for centuries. Anyways, after telling him all the bad shit, he said to me "i'm not capitalist either" (his god is Javier Milei, anarcho-crapitalist). Is this a W? i'm confused.

EDIT: just made my dad search about Thomas Sankara lol

  • nickwitha_k (he/him)@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    Pretty much that and to have unlimited, unchecked power. In "anarcho-capitalism", the capitalists become feudal lords and kings because they monopolize the resources to the degree that the neo-serfs are wholly dependent on them for survival. This monopolization completely undermines the claim that "anyone can make a new product/service" because those with power will just take it for themselves (based upon their philosophy's belief that greed and selfishness are human nature).