There's so many layers of fucking 40k LARPer (he named one of his abused kids "Techno Mechanicus!") manchild clown to this and this is the richest man in the world. joker-amerikkklap

  • ComradeWizardmon2 [she/her]
    6 hours ago

    He called himself goth?

    Nick Cave and. . .shit ~~the german femboy noisecore industrial guy ~~ Blixa, Blixa too. Anyway he will never be as cool as them. Or like, my dad, who is a shithead conartist who tried to tell me I hate myself and my life because I don't follow The Secret and I should kill myself if I'm not gonna be rich.

    Oh yeah, Musk is like a South African LARPing as a Chicago native LARPing as a neo-Goodfella kinda of vibe. Also he looks like a Ken Doll now because he hates himself. No wonder I hate him so much, he's just like "What if yer dad was born rich?"