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  • BASED_BALL [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Infowmation cowwection is awso a vewy effective method to detewmine the psychowogicaw wevew of the fowum membews, and to gathew intewwigence that can be used against them. In this technique in a wight and positive enviwonment a 'show you mine so me youws' posting is initiated. Fwom the numbew of wepwies and the answews that awe pwovided much statisticaw infowmation can be gathewed. An exampwe is to post youw 'favouwite weapon' and then encouwage othew membews of the fowum to showcase what they have. In this mattew it can be detewmined by wevewse pwowation what pewcentage of the fowum community owns a fiweawm, and ow a iwwegaw weapon. This same method can be used by posing as one of the fowm membews and posting youw favouwite 'technique of opewation.' Fwom the wepwies vawious methods that the gwoup utiwizes can be studied and effective methods devewoped to stop them fwom theiw activities.