• medrenace1968 [any]
    4 years ago

    I think I've only ever met one (1) unironic, self-described neoliberal in real life. Funnily enough, I was canvassing for Bernie near my college campus. The dude came up to us and decided to start arguing/debating one of the other canvassers about foreign policy and shit. This was after the shit in in Bolivia happened a year ago, and this guy was claiming that what happened in Bolivia wasn't a coup and that the OAS really did have the people's best interests at heart and that Morales wasn't really popular, etc. This neoliberal said he was a Danish/Hong-Konger international student; not suprised, he seemed quite bougie and out-of-touch.

    After that experience, I'm convinced that the only people who call themselves neoliberals are high school debate team nerds or upper middle class business/economics/polisci majors, or both. God they're insufferable.