Man it feels good to be a PSL voter. I wish they were on all 50 state ballots
Man it feels good to be a PSL voter. I wish they were on all 50 state ballots
Lmao I love how this is what "vote for the lesser evil" has gotten us. Two war mongering imperialists, trying to out-imperialist the other.
Pink Tide part 2 electric Boogaloo??? But hopefully they actually can successfully spread socialism across the entire continent because the USA is in terminal decline??
Redditors coping cuz the CCP absolutely cucked the incompetent KMT and turned China into a global superpower
I give this a 50-50 chance of happening. If Biden is elected, he will probably be more proactive in trying to isolate Bolivia and weaken MAS
I wonder how many flights from La Paz to Miami are getting booked for the next few days
This is unironically the happiest I have felt reading the news in a long time. The fight in Bolivia is far, far from over, but just knowing that the people and MAS have spoken and are willing to fight makes me incredibly happy. I hope our comrades down there stay safe.
Now this is the content I like to see
I think I've only ever met one (1) unironic, self-described neoliberal in real life. Funnily enough, I was canvassing for Bernie near my college campus. The dude came up to us and decided to start arguing/debating one of the other canvassers about foreign policy and shit. This was after the shit in in Bolivia happened a year ago, and this guy was claiming that what happened in Bolivia wasn't a coup and that the OAS really did have the people's best interests at heart and that Morales wasn't really popular, etc. This neoliberal said he was a Danish/Hong-Konger international student; not suprised, he seemed quite bougie and out-of-touch.
After that experience, I'm convinced that the only people who call themselves neoliberals are high school debate team nerds or upper middle class business/economics/polisci majors, or both. God they're insufferable.
Stop. You've willed this into existence. Come February we're going to hear about Biden giving more money to the military and trying to make NATO stronger because Trump wasn't hawkish enough.
Isn't this a self-own because it proves that the revolution was overwhelmingly popular and the only people who opposed it were rich vermin who managed to flee but wanted their property back?
This. Whoever wins, is the path of accelerationism (not really towards communism, mind you). No matter what, the empire is in irreversible decline, and conditions are going to continue to worsen.
Yknow, I find it funny how both leftists and fascists like to shit on the lib-consumer obsession with Funko Pops, but I understand why. They really are a summary of the soulless consumerist wasteland that we live under. They don't do anything, they're prohibitively expensive for most people... What do you get out of them? Well, it's really just another way to express your identity through consumption. VOTE BIDEN/HARRIS!!! LOOK AT MY FUNKO POP!!!
Meanwhile, because we live under capitalism, a large chunk of these plastic items are never even sold. They just end up in a landfill or the Pacific Ocean garbage patch, and will remain there, for the next 500+ years, at which point humans will be extinct.
Lmao this empire is in decline, and it's never going to get better, and these are the clowns in charge. This fucking rules.
Man it feels good to be a La Riva voter. I wish she was on the ballot for all 50 states.