• David_Attenborough [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Do not worry, my fellow chapos. I am about to produce a new documentary on why this individual is, in fact, a fucking dumbass. I will describe fascinating arguments such as:

    "Nitrogen in the soil will run out before CO2 significantly increases plant growth",

    "CO2 has diminishing returns on plant growth, so statements like "doubling CO2 means doubling vegetable production" is factually incorrect",

    "Climate-change related drought and heat brought on by the heightened CO2 will denature and destroy plant growth, and turn the Amazon into a savannah",

    "Increased CO2 absorption in crops tends to make them less nutritious, further exacerbating the global protein and nutrient deficiency crisis", and finally,

    "The ocean will literally turn into carbonic acid, you fucking moron".


    • cpfhornet [she/her,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Typical leftist, first you claim CO2 is good for plants, then you claim CO2 will kill plants? SMH, liberals always contradicting themselves to suit their anti-American goals... 🙄

      Also, if global warming was real, then I wouldn't have to wear a jacket right now because it's cold. Checkmate, back to the drawing board for the libs 😎

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Isn’t the biggest producers of oxygen actually kryptoplankton that do it in the ocean? Not saying we shouldn’t plant trees, but it’s not like that is what we have been missing this whole time.

    • regul [any]
      4 years ago

      yes but they don't sequester CO2

      it's not like we're running out of Oxygen. that's not the problem

  • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Only certain plants benefit from more CO2 and they are often weeds and they themselves end up burning faster during fire season and expelling all of the carbon they soaked up. This is dumb as shit.

    Also, the biggest producers of O2 in the planet are phytoplankton and they actually produce 80% of the world's oxygen. CO2 acidification of the oceans will kill them.

  • redthebaron [he/him]
    4 years ago

    like full of powerful mistakes but i will jump in with the fun facts about the amazon one and how this is maybe the dumbest point on this, so like the amazon is a weird biome like because you would assume hey the soil must be great and that is why there is so many plants in there but actually the amazon soil fucking SUCKS SHIT LIKE IT IS BAD but there is like an layer of dead things over the soil like leaves and animals and stuff that is basically where all the nutrients come from so even if he was correct about it more o2 would not make a new one because how it was made was because there was this piece of land that was left untouched for thousands of years with mostly nomad societies living on that place so no real human modifications on that bad boy for thousands of years also this is why fires in the amazon are really bad because that whole organic layer will just burn with the trees so reflorestation is kinda complicated and if we ever get to natural wildfires feedback cycle in there it would be kinda fucked to stop that from just becoming a desert