• REgon [they/them]
    1 month ago

    Where I live the media has gone from talking about "workers" and "employers" to "worktakers" (workers) and "workgivers" (employers)

      • REgon [they/them]
        1 month ago

        How else would we be able to build houses and grow crops? We gotta do something about the greedy worktakers soon tho

      • REgon [they/them]
        1 month ago

        In this context that would mean you would be giving life, since the "worktakers" are workers, ie the ones giving work (labour) to the workgivers (employers who take work - take labour) and I love that for you

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmy.ml
      1 month ago

      Sounds reversed, workers are forced to give part of their labour for free to bourgeoisie who take it.

      And in Poland media also did it, though "worktaker" didn't caught up, the most used word is "pracownik" (literally worker, but in context more an employee) but workgiver (pracodawca) sadly is commonly used.