Also, according to the QRT-er, all that changed is that "they used to report the milestones as the median, but now they're reporting it as the p75 [(i.e. 25th percentile])" to "better represent what 'falling behind' means". Seems reasonable to me--you don't want people panicking because their child is at the 40th percentile or whatever. Wonder what the deal with crawling is, though
The image is from some anti-vaxxer
Also, according to the QRT-er, all that changed is that "they used to report the milestones as the median, but now they're reporting it as the p75 [(i.e. 25th percentile])" to "better represent what 'falling behind' means". Seems reasonable to me--you don't want people panicking because their child is at the 40th percentile or whatever. Wonder what the deal with crawling is, though