i have found by now :
For modded Minecraft https://forum.feed-the-beast.com/
For the Hitman games https://www.hitmanforum.com/
For knitting and crochetting https://www.ravelry.com/
For cannabis-related https://future4200.com
For cactus growing https://cactiguide.com/cactitalk/
Competitive mario kart https://mariokartboards.com/
Rpg.net is a nice place to discuss ttrpgs
An ancient 2chan clone for discussing trains https://www.1chan.net/
shroomery.org for mushroom cultivation and general discussion
forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum for Paradox games
https://cs.rin.ru/forum/ good source for updated pirated games and DLC (some chuds on here, but it’s mostly centered on games)
https://forums.mydigitallife.net/ for pirated software (usually mainstream and niche Windows versions, MS Office, some Adobe). It could be very technical at times, so you’ll have to do some research before downloading and installing anything.
Nedesigns.com is a Rollercoaster Tycoon fan site
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/ for coding
(i will update this with the comments)
They do smell amazing. Any particularly cool ones you grow?
Do it! Active ones are even more rewarding to grow 😁
not really, I just bought a bunch that looked cool a few years ago lol. I have an echinopsis that flowers every year, a gymnocalycium that I got seeds from this year, a rainbow hedgehog cactus, and another mystery barrel cactus I'm taking care of for a friend that also gave me seeds. plus a couple aloe and an elephant bush that I almost killed but is now thriving lol.
can you recommend any vendors? I've heard that you can sometimes find trichs at lowe's but they're not always active.