Everyone keeps saying that Biden has it in the bag, but that’s what they said last time for Hillary. I have this weird feeling he’ll somehow worm his way to victory.

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 年前

    it comes down to a few things for Trump -

    #1 is the swing states. He has to win all of them like 2016 all over again. It's possible.

    #2 the Democrats shooting themselves in the foot leading up to the election. This is also possible, given how they are trying to cover up with media censorship over Biden's scumbag son. At any moment, they could also drop a bombshell with another Biden sexual assault case. The liberal media worked in overdrive to not only cover up the Tara Reade case, but the others (including the one who was underage that he touched).

    The real deciding factor of this election is the pandemic. I have zero doubt in a normal election season with no plague virus, Trump would've spent the entire summer going around doing rallies for the chuds. Meanwhile, Dems would keep Biden locked in the basement where he has been most of this election and he would only emerge from time to time to make some WTF racist comment about black people or have a dementia brain melting moment. Trump would go on to win by bigger margins without the pandemic.

    Coronavirus is really the only reason Biden has a shot at all. He is running on nothing except 'Not Trump'. Unlike Hillary and previous Dems, he don't even bother really paying lip service or giving empty platitudes to popular policies like M4A and defunding the police. Biden even went as far as to publicly talk about how he supports fracking ffs.

    Voter turnout will be low again. If Trump does win, I think it will be because no one is buying into FascismLite with Biden's law and order campaign.

    On the flip side of Trump winning, my fear is Biden actually pulling it off and then down ballot voting all goes to Republicans, securing them the senate and house. Make no mistake about it, we're fucked either way and Biden's presidency is going to be a nightmare, but if Republicans keep congress following this election, that's a scary thought with them ready to push and bully Biden who actually wants to work with them. They'll bully him to the point they get far more than they want.

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 年前

        100% agree with you. I can't stand the "big tent" talk. Liberals want Republicans, they don't want the left. They make that loud and clear with how much animosity they shove towards us, but will go out their way to try and make Republicans comfortable. After Biden wins, the first thing the Democratic party are going to do is try to oust the progressive SocDems that they despise so much. They've been trying to gerrymander AOC's district in NYC for a few years now. They won't have a problem with Republicans helping them go after the progressives either and all this is going to set up an ugly midterms for 2022.

        Everything you said is precisely how I see it happening. Out here in the south, a Democrat governor actually won Louisiana in 2016 using this same strategy that you explain about Kentucky. They only won cause the people in Louisiana hated the previous Republican governor, yet down ballot voting got the GOP to win everything else. This included the senate runoff race where Trump came down to the state and did rallies for the Republican candidate, meanwhile the DNC didn't spend a dime helping the Democrat candidate nor did any of the big names of their party endorse him (the Republican candidate ended up winning comfortably after this). That was 4 years ago and guess who leads the polls right now in Louisiana? You guessed it, Republicans are in a prime position to retake the state entirely.

        I 100% agree about 2022 too. It's going to be a bloodbath. If Dems do take back the senate and keep the house next month, it will be by a slim margin. Republicans already have an advantage cause they've had years of the psychopaths in that annoying Lincoln Project group whom liberals love and have been throwing money at. That money will immediately go to building up Republican campaigns for 2022 after Trump is gone. Liberals are so fucking arrogant about this election, they don't even realize that by Biden basically being George W Bush 2.0, it don't help them and instead is going to help Republicans big time. The GOP will just point out how he hates poor people and is doing nothing about the economy during a recession.

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 年前

        Voter turn out wasn’t low in 2016 at all. It was higher than 2012, and higher than everything from 1980-2004.

        Population numbers have changed a lot since then. It was still low.