Literally getting downvoted and being called scum in r/politics because I had the crazy take that everyone's life is equally valuable. I'm being bombarded by people telling me that having a master's degree and driving a prius makes someone a better person. These motherfuckers scare me.

Link to said thread:

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Good run down of it. They are very classist.

    I grew up in the deep south and liberals attitude towards people who look and sound like me is extremely hostile cause I guess we sound like Forrest Gump or some other southern stereotype they love to make fun of. You've heard all the stupid jokes about "red states" and how we must ALL vote Republican otherwise, how come the state is so deep red? Libs think anyone who lives down here is a string of southern stereotypes and that we must all sound like Forrest Gump and be bigots. Libs supposedly care so much about POC and love to pretend that they care about black people and yet in the south, you have some of the highest populations of POC and they don't care about them at all. Libs also love gentrification. I see them argue in favor of it cause it "gets rid of the criminals and thugs", yet they want to pretend they care about minorities while destroying their neighborhoods.

    The hostility from libs is why I would never take them seriously and still don't. They just tell you "well, move to a big city!" or "move to a blue state!" yeah OK, that's what i have to do to get their respect - go thousands of dollars in debt to move to some shithole city run by Dems where the prices of commodities is several times more expensive than it is in the rural small towns, or move to a wonderful "blue state" cause you know that bad stuff never happens there. None of this is taking into account the inner city which is poor there.

    They don't give a fuck about poor people. Just look at liberal run big cities and blue states. California has the most corrupt police department in the country with the LAPD and libs are in full support of that. California is supposed to be some blue, liberal utopia yet more and more, people can't afford to live there cause of the taxes and the police in LA have a legacy of corruption at this point.

    One other thing that really grinds my gears with libs. If you sit down and explain to them how fucked the deep south is cause the GOP have gerrymandered it for years and have practically taken it over, or the fact that the Democrats in those states ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SUCK and put up ZERO resistance to the GOP, their excuse is "well vote better Democrats then!" Yeah gee thanks, you don't think we've tried that over the past three decades? The Democrats often don't even run house candidate districts in those states outside of their precious big cities. I can tell you right now, where I live, the house district is a race between 2 Republicans as it has been every year since I moved here.

    • Fundlebundle [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Everytime someone posts about McConnell in r/politics it the same thing, jokes about kentuckians being stupid and hillbillies. It's no wonder working class people stopped voting Democrat. It gets old being talked down to and treated like and imbecile.

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 years ago

        The Democrats also abandoned the working people in the south.

        My family had a legacy in seafood work going from my father, to my grandparents, even great grandparents. They either worked in seafood with fleets, or they were active in the construction of the boats. My grandparents could tell you, cause they lived it, how decades ago they were lifelong Democrats and there used to be a strong presence of unions and workers rights with the seafood factories and shipyards. My grandparents go all the way back to the days of JFK and they quit voting all together come the 2000s. It had nothing to do with how black Obama was, they had already been screwed by Clinton in the 90s and they were smart enough to see right through Obama.

        The Democrats began ignoring them in the 1980s and come the Clinton era, they absolutely betrayed and later abandoned these workers. What little bit of unions they had left after the Reagan years, it was all crushed and destroyed during Clinton's presidency.

        There's a pretty good book about Dems abandoning the working class of the south called 'What's Wrong in Kansas?'. That book goes through how the Dems just started abandoning the southern states and leaving them unchallenged for the GOP.

        For all my life down here, the Dems have never gave a shit about the common person. They only ever sit back in their strongholds of the big cities and do campaigns there. They don't run house district candidates outside the big cities and when it comes to governor and senate, they barely put any effort into it at all. The excuse is always about how stupid and backwards the people supposedly are, but the GOP wins landslides here cause it's mostly old boomers and middle class households voting for them. The working class largely don't vote cause there isn't a candidate that represents their interests.

        But your point is clear; why the fuck would any of us down here want to vote Democrat when we get no respect from them at all? Hillary didn't even step foot in any southern states except Florida, and she only went there after the Pulse night club shooting. She was tied with Trump in fucking Georgia of all places in the summer of 2016 and never stepped foot there. Liberals think that Dem politicians are entitled to our votes, and they absolutely are not. The Democratic party has made it clear how much they hate poor people in the south.