• Pezevenk [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This doesn't matter. The basic idea is the same. I am not thinking of supervised or unsupervised learning, because the central difficulty is the same. You're describing methods, but behind all the terminology at the end of the day there is still someone making a value judgement at some point in the procedure, no matter how obscured that judgement might be, and that judgement is fundamental to the result you are going to get, no matter how good your algorithm is. Cool, so you have an AI that makes "good" music. Good according to whom? Because whatever the idea of musical value of someone who listens to Five Finger Death Punch 24/7 is, it's probably not my idea.

    Now this isn't so bad when it comes to music. But laws? If you ask 10 people what they think laws should be achieving you'll get 11 different answers, but whatever you decide the right answer is, it's gonna be applied to all of them.

    • the_river_cass [she/her]
      4 years ago

      there is still someone making a value judgement at some point in the procedure

      sure, I'm saying the values involved are getting increasingly abstract.

      Cool, so you have an AI that makes “good” music. Good according to whom?

      this is why I linked the page of examples. the answer is that it's according to the person asking the question (which is new, it didn't use to be this way).

      Now this isn’t so bad when it comes to music. But laws? If you ask 10 people what they think laws should be achieving you’ll get 11 different answers, but whatever you decide the right answer is, it’s gonna be applied to all of them.

      who's saying AI should write law right now...? I'm pointing out that there's more capacity here than leftists generally give credit for and that that capacity can be used for good and bad ends.

      • Pezevenk [he/him]
        4 years ago

        who’s saying AI should write law right now…?

        That is what I am saying, it is not a matter of right now, it is a matter of "ever". It is a difficulty not resolved by better algorithms. It is a fundamental difficulty that inherently limits its scope, EVEN if the technology actually has the capacity to get there any time soon, which is not a given, unless AI can evolve to improve AI algorithms significantly which isn't a given either, and even if it does it is again not a given that it won't cap out once more.

        • the_river_cass [she/her]
          4 years ago

          my objection to AI writing laws isn't really about the technology -- maybe it can get to a point where it might make sense, maybe it can't, but it's immaterial. the politics of the person who says AI should write laws is kind of questionable. the hard part about laws, about politics isn't a technical matter of finding the cleverist solution or whatever, it's the hard work of convincing actual human beings that they should support the law. outsourcing that to AI does nothing to solve that problem except perhaps in a world where we've built a cult around AI and people unquestioningly believe what an AI tells them.

          technology, no matter how clever or powerful, can't solve political problems.

          • Pezevenk [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Exactly, that is why I believe it to be a fundamental limitation which won't be solved by better technology. I also have a similar reason to disagree with some people who think AI will replace musicians, though there is also other very important factors that people overlook.