Permanently Deleted

    1 year ago

    Liberals - “They never criticize Russia!”

    Hexbear/Lemmygrad users - detailed list of wrongs committed by the Russian state, with accompanying list of much more fucked up wrongs by the US.

    Liberals - “Those are Russian talking points!”

      1 year ago

      It's more that they think bringing up Russia is a spell disallowing us from speaking about the crimes of other countries for a duration. The cries of whataboutism is supposed to be counterspell.

        1 year ago

        You might be onto something with that kind of language. Give me a while, I've got a reference for you, about how magic is central to liberal states. I've just got to think of where it might be or who wrote it.

            1 year ago

            I hope you're not joking because I've been wracking my brains and… nothing. So this is the best lead I've got.

            Edit: you were right. (Searching 'J magic in law' led me right to it, thanks.) I was thinking that the liberal world outlook is dialectically related to the liberal-legal framework. If law relies on magic, one would expect liberals to use the same ideas, rituals, performances, props, etc, to explain the world and 'transform' it (the ideal version of the world, anyway). Jessie Allen, (2008) 'A theory of adjudicaron: Law as magic' 41 Suffolk University Law Review 773, p. 776:

            Magic, in this sense, encompasses practices in diverse cultures that aim to achieve some kind of transformative effect through a combination of physical and verbal techniques that are distinct from ordinary technical interventions. …

            p. 778:

            …[L]egal magic may contribute to a theory of how legal practices influence culture. Law is not just regulatory. Legal institutions not only sanction and constrain our world, they also generate and transform it. As Robert Cover expressed, law and culture together constantly create and recreate "nomos"—a normative universe of legal meaning—beyond state-enforced legal power. … Using anthropological theories of magic [in this article], I consider how legal magic may help shape social reality…[.]

    1 year ago

    It's funny how we can't accept any kind of 'incremental progress' but it's okay for every lib to dismiss everything ever achieved by AES because reasons. Libs love inverting history.

    'moving more centre just out of spite' = already centrist or, as Mao put it:

    liberalism rejects ideological struggle and stands for unprincipled peace, thus giving rise to a decadent, Philistine attitude and bringing about political degeneration

    Doesn't matter whether you've read every communist work in the library if you're still a liberal at the end of it. May as well stick with Harry Potter if you can read Marx and Engels yet develop so few principles that you can contemplate supporting the centre of bourgeois politics. Imagine reading Marx and Engels and then supporting mass-murdering neoliberals to own the tankies.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Liberals when they vote for a guy who goes back on all the tiny concessions he promised them: "Ahh well. Nevertheless. At least we kept a cheeto out of the white house!"

      Liberals when an AES lifts 800 million people out of poverty, increases wages at a higher rate than GDP growth, creating the largest economy on Earth: "Akshully Dengism is bad. Muh billionaires."

    1 year ago

    I've read Marx, Engels, Kropotkin, Luxemburg

    Demsoc moment

    the inability of hexbear or lemmygrad users to consider any kind of incremental progress

    Actually I support incrementalism by supporting the USSR. It's the leftcoms that are inflexible smh

    every member is frothing at the mouth angry at anything that isn't classical party-speak

    True true. Last time I went on Hexbear, everyone was like, "In the face of strategic challenges not seen since the founding of the website, the Central Committee of the Forum resolutely passes the 32nd Statement, denouncing the disorderly proliferation of rightist comments and false characterization of the forum. In order to create an all-around prosperous environment for netizens, as well as to increase the quality of ideological education on the forum, the Central Committee has enacted the "Two Links" policy, enabling Hexbear netizens to link image macros and to link URLs in retaliation to aggressive comments."

      1 year ago

      the inability of hexbear or lemmygrad users to consider any kind of incremental progress

      What do they think happens after revolution? Bloody hell western maoists don't even read the little red book or what?

    1 year ago

    Ah yes, we famously can't imagine incremental steps from Capitalism to Communism.

    That's why we dunk on Anarchists non stop for believing that you can just flip the communism switch and be done with it. Or why we support China and recognise that their incremental transition is valid and so far has been the greatest success of the 21st. century.

    What the commenter really meant is "I am incredibly annoyed at those damn tankies and their will to reach communism eventually. Can't they be happy with Social Democracy and stop asking for more?"

        1 year ago

        I met a liberal from an illegitimate land

        Who said—"Two vast and trunkless tiger-legs of paper

        Stand in between me and realty… Near me, on the sand,

        Half sunk a shattered fascist lies, whose frown

        And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,

        Sunk slowly, deeper, inextricably under, despair'd!

        Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare incrementalism

        The comradely and level red hands stretch far away."

      1 year ago

      Incrementally until those incremental changes in quantity transform into a qualitative change and fuck us all. When they say they've read Engels, I suspect they mean the manifesto. It's a good start but only that, and not even that if they didn't take anything in.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      1 year ago

      "I just want to raise minimum wage! (For the Imperial Core only. Can't have those third worlders charging us more for their resources and labor.)"

    1 year ago

    Shit, I am sorry comrades. I am not frothing at the mouth angry at everything, I will turn in my lemmygrad membership card.

    I guess I have to go back to being a liberal and making incremental progress by checks notes drone striking and/or couping more countries.

    1 year ago

    tankies defend Russia cause it's not the US

    We certainly criticize them for not being a workers state and their reactionary tendencies towards queer people, if this is talking about the SMO again then once again they're just ignorant.

  • ghostOfRoux();
    1 year ago

    Should someone tell them that the whole idea behind ML is incremental progress? Or are they just parroting reformist talking points?

  • yoink [she/her]
    1 year ago

    they always tell on themselves and their views of the world when they say things like 'how can i be interested in an ideology' as if it's a hobby you dip into lmao

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    But such is the fate of "ultra-Left" phrasemongers. Their phrases are Leftist, but in practice it turns out that they are aiding the enemies of the working class. You go in on the Left and come out on the Right.


    1 year ago

    Great, really rebellious to spite someone thousands of miles away that you’ll likely never meet with opinions you likely don’t even have just to make like 3 people log in and say this is a dumb idea. This isn’t the 1800s when people write manuscripts and distribute them, it’s a fucking message board. You can be as spiteful as you want online, end of the day, spite means nothing online. Ex: I can have an argument with a friend or sibling and if I feel particularly rude or vindictive I can refuse to do something out of spite(not that I would, just an example) and that person Will recognize what I’m doing. But online…that just reads as you changing your opinion on the drop of a hat just because people you don’t worship also have a similar opinion. There are liberals that are Pro-choice, I don’t say “I hate these libs so much, that tbh I’m gonna be Pro-life out of spite” like what does that do? Join the mainstream just because a few obsessive Radlibs are annoying ? Sounds like a great idea that will lead to serious change(/s) lol 😂