This observation has been made many times over the years, but Chris Hayes acts like he’s learning everything for the first time every single day. What’s worse is that there are people who watch him every day and go “wow, he’s totally right!” He’s Ms. Rachel for cable news libs.
There should be a word for a situation that you can't help but laugh at but that makes you angry. I always have that feeling when libs predictably say "We're a conservative country," because it's a built-in excuse for them not to do anything major or important because trying to do so is unrealistic, unworkable, impractical, and don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
I hope one day Hayes gets unceremoniously shitcanned and replaced with Liz Fucking Cheney because for their viewership she's more realistic, workable, practical, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out - Chris.
There should be a word for a situation that you can't help but laugh at but that makes you angry.
whoops I lost thread context. anyway, back to thinking about Maddow climbing the gallows
It’s more about comparing his audience to toddlers, but I see your point and I submit myself before the court of online discourse for judgment.