
  • Stoner_Spectre [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    The biggest problem today imo is people still take the bourgeoisie's word for it. The system even says the electoral college (whos members are chosen by the bourgeois-controlled political parties) picks the president, not the popular vote which means the popular vote doesn't matter, it's a show to trick us into thinking we have a voice. We didn't learn this lesson in 2016, will we finally understand what a dictatorship of capital looks like when it crushes us into fascism in 2020??? I really don't know, I'm just so pissed off and disapointed in the people here I really am. I know Marxism isn't common knowledge but common sense is. If something doesn't work as advertized, and it even says on the back of the packaging that the advertising is a fucking lie and explains how it is...STOP BELIEVING THE LIE.

    Months ago we've been telling them voting doesn't work in a democracy under a capitalist system, lots of people were getting the system is a lie but then fascism rolls up to the present primed to take it's throne and everyone throws out logic and says "iF wE vOtE wE'Ll bE sAvEd!" nevermind they are throwing their faith into the hands of the same bastards hellbent on eating us, just the ones still wearing smiley masks on (this includes some of us on here unfortunately) ...3 weeks from now better hit them like a sack of bricks because if a hell of a lot more people don't learn D&H materialism is the only way to view the world, centrism is a lie, capitalism is death, and communism is the only way forward we in the US won't exist much longer..unless China saves the day which could happen but it's the timing and it's still frustrating for someone like me who believed we'd respond to this threat as a people by tossing liberalism the fuck out the window months ago when their democracy was exposed as a fucking sham by failing to expell trump and friends from power or protecting innocent americans from the fascist police state but instead of breaking our collective chains and taking our destiny into our own hands we settled back into our stations and bent the knee to fear and delusions. ("It was china/russia, they rigged our elections..not the bourgeoisie or the DNC which is really just the bourgeoisie by proxy. The DNC never admitted to screwing Bernie in a NY court, that's a conspiracy theory."..ok radlib -.- and I'm me Stoney Claws) Material reality will have no forgiveness to our reactionism; The bourgeoisie only have 1 option to repair this shit factory into working order and reclaim their #1 spot from China, fascism is coming and it doesn't fucking matter what it's wearing when it arrives on Nov 4th, all opposition to the crushing class contradictions will be crushed with a fist and the fake rainbow fist still kills us just as equally as the punisher skull painted one does.

    Just venting..but go vote, it'll matter /s

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      unless China saves the day which could happen but it’s the timing and it’s still frustrating for someone like me who believed we’d respond to this threat as a people by tossing liberalism the fuck out the window months ago when their democracy was exposed as a fucking sham by failing to expell trump and friends from power or protecting innocent americans from the fascist police state but instead of breaking our collective chains and taking our destiny into our own hands we settled back into our stations and bent the knee to fear and delusions.

      And how the fuck is China going to save you?

      This site's obsession with China and trying to paint them out to be this communist utopia that they absolutely are not, is the most annoying thing on here.

      • EvilCorgi [they/them]
        4 years ago

        Yeah like, I won't lie, I prefer them to the US. I think they're on a better trajectory and they're doing a version of capitalism that is more sustainable, better for more people, etc.

        But they don't give a FUCK about your working class ass, they aren't really all that communist and they aren't interested in spreading the revolution. Notice how they support the state against the socialists in struggles all across Asia, from India to Bhutan to Nepal to the Philippines. Just like the US, they're near the head of the global capitalist machinery so it's in their interests to maintain that machinery.

        It's really just a slightly more plausible version of "I support Comrade Assad in his struggle against reactionary western imperialism" thing. China aint your friend, at best they're doing a slightly less myopic and shortsighted version of capitalism in preparation for "something" later, at worst they're just another neoliberal oligarchy.

        • anthm17 [he/him]
          4 years ago

          they’re doing a version of capitalism that is more sustainable

          By being more oppressive?

          Sure I guess, but the US can catch up in that department.

          • EvilCorgi [they/them]
            4 years ago

            I'm deeply confused as to how you could read my comment and think that's what I meant

            They're able to plan much farther ahead than western unregulated investor-driven capital is, and the CCP remaining in their position of supremacy over the oligarchs means they're held much more firmly to the law and to the expectation that they improve the country in some way.

      • Stoner_Spectre [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        China recently told their military to prepare for war. Unrelated but still relivent is the 2020 military parade in the DPRK showed off some impressive firepower including the worlds largest ICBMs capable of reaching the US mainland. Comrades have never lost a war and the US has never won a war when going against China. Hope. It's not an obsession for me, I'm actually on the fence on China personally although I'm sure your observation excludes just me as your pool of experience