🦀Truly a great 48 hour news cycle🦀

  • Blottergrass [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If he wanted to not get terminal lung cancer, he should have thought of that when he decided to smoke cigars.

    /conservative anti-empathy logic.

    EDIT: Exerpt from Rush's show

    CALLER: If we pay for our health care ourselves, would it bring costs down?

    LIMBAUGH: Yeah, it would, if -- with other -- yeah, if you get some other players out of the game, yeah -- of course.

    CALLER: What do you mean by “other players” ? I'm sorry.

    LIMBAUGH: Government -- get the government out of it. Get the government -- their stupid regulations. Get the government out of Medicare. You -- look it, the only way that cost or price ratios make sense is based on the consumer's ability to pay. There has to be a direct relationship between the customer and the business at the surface.

    CALLER: OK. I just broke my wrist and it's costing me $6,000. I can't afford that.

    LIMBAUGH: Well, you shouldn't have broken your wrist.

    Limbaugh: OK. I just terminally fucked my lungs and it's costing me my life. I can't afford that.

    God: Well, you shouldn't have smoke cigars.

    • SerLava [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Damn Rush, that's a good point, from now on I will stop snapping parts of my body in two.