Elections have been decided, and will be decided for the foreseeable future, by people we've never met before and will never meet.

People like Contra/Vaush/etc. really just seem like they have Bernie Syndrome and desperately don't want libs to blame them if Biden loses, despite the fact that they'll do that literally no matter what because libs are largely incapable of self-reflection.

  • marvelous [she/her]
    4 years ago

    After they ratfucked the primary and made it clear they don't want leftists in the coalition, the only upside was that this election was going to become pure spectacle and entertainment for most people. If Biden won, I couldn't wait to watch the MAGA chuds seethe. If Trump won, it was going to be fun to watch the libs meltdown again. And on top of all that, we were going to see 3 beautiful debates of the American gerontocracy sundown on live TV.

    All the while we can still do the important work of the mass line, feeding the homeless, fixing our neighbors shit, growing our orgs, unionizing our workplaces, doing agitprop, showing up strapped to protect black lives from would-be fascists, etc, all of which will reduce more harm than a vote for Biden.