dude i fucking hate them, every time i see jack ma's face on my timeline i want to set that deformed fetus face on fire in front of his children

we think it's a fucking tragedy that china needs a system that allows these disgusting people to exist. it leaves any dignified person with a bad taste in their mouth every time one of these maggots takes a breath.

but assuming that the chinese have to allow them to breathe, which we think just happens to be the case, then what the fuck are they supposed to do? reject reality? act emotionally and risk destroying what they've built?

there will be a time to put these people on the wall, and by god i wish i'm alive then, if only to watch and cheer at every instance of liberals crying over the "genocide". but that time isn't here yet. it just isn't.

regardless of whether you believe in the CPC or not, if they're actual marxists they won't do it right now, unless they go full stupid. and judging by the last 40 years they ain't going fucking stupid.

so for god's sake, argue about the CPC, but over something valid, like how you think they're doing wrong with their MMT, or how they're not doing enough for workers in the tech industry, or how underwhelming their health care system is. but quit the "dwah china has rich people" shit, it's void of meaning¹ :hexbear-shining:

¹ unless you're not a marxist, in that case i completely understand. but marxists aren't supposed to think reality bends to our will, we're supposed to be materialists not idealists

  • CommieGirl69 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I have no doubt that at least some of the CCP critics would privately have preferred it if China had continued killing sparrows and trying to cast steel in backyard furnaces.

    To people like that, socialism is merely an aesthetic that makes them feel special. They want to continue their comfortable white suburban lives while “agitating” for change that they will never lift a finger to build at best, and sell out Orwell-style at worst.

    i'll be fair to them here because i used to heavily criticize the CPC up until a few months ago, and it still came from genuinely caring about the chinese (as i care about workers anywhere, especially being from 3rd world where exploitation is so blatant)

    my real problem was not that i was a larper, or in it for the aesthetics, but that i was still an idealist without knowing it. i actually did think you could just "replace capitalism" after the revolution, and that the CPC deliberately chose not to and betrayed us. when in reality, as i came to understand what marx meant by materialism, and it started making more sense to me, i realized i had it completely wrong

    this is why i specified marxists in the post: i understand it when idealists, or self-styled marxists who actually haven't become materialists, criticize deng's reforms - they have (as i used to) a completely different conception of reality and societal development, so criticizing the CPC really does make perfect sense in that context

    • anthm17 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      my real problem was not that i was a larper, or in it for the aesthetics, but that i was still an idealist without knowing it. i actually did think you could just “replace capitalism” after the revolution, and that the CPC deliberately chose not to and betrayed us. when in reality, as i came to understand what marx meant by materialism, and it started making more sense to me, i realized i had it completely wrong

      They did and the idealism is denying it in the face of facts.