dude i fucking hate them, every time i see jack ma's face on my timeline i want to set that deformed fetus face on fire in front of his children

we think it's a fucking tragedy that china needs a system that allows these disgusting people to exist. it leaves any dignified person with a bad taste in their mouth every time one of these maggots takes a breath.

but assuming that the chinese have to allow them to breathe, which we think just happens to be the case, then what the fuck are they supposed to do? reject reality? act emotionally and risk destroying what they've built?

there will be a time to put these people on the wall, and by god i wish i'm alive then, if only to watch and cheer at every instance of liberals crying over the "genocide". but that time isn't here yet. it just isn't.

regardless of whether you believe in the CPC or not, if they're actual marxists they won't do it right now, unless they go full stupid. and judging by the last 40 years they ain't going fucking stupid.

so for god's sake, argue about the CPC, but over something valid, like how you think they're doing wrong with their MMT, or how they're not doing enough for workers in the tech industry, or how underwhelming their health care system is. but quit the "dwah china has rich people" shit, it's void of meaning¹ :hexbear-shining:

¹ unless you're not a marxist, in that case i completely understand. but marxists aren't supposed to think reality bends to our will, we're supposed to be materialists not idealists

  • Qelp [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    Yeah but like imagine if the cpc has all of those billions instead of random bourgeois fuck sticks. Like seriously idk how you can defend reintroducing class warfare and dystopian levels of wealth inequality.

    • CommieGirl69 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah but like imagine if the cpc has all of those billions

      the CPC has a virtually infinite amount of money from their fiat currency and willingness to use MMT (though i disagree with aspects of their current application of it)

      reintroducing class warfare

      it never went away

      dystopian levels of wealth inequality

      what matters to me is that they've been reducing poverty by the hundreds of millions and increasing incomes to the point where they've surpassed my own country

      if that wealth inequality is coming from a consolidation of certain industries/companies without negatively affecting incomes, it's actually good for the transition as you're still smoothing it out for workers and dealing with a few business owners is far easier than dealing with a huge amount of petty bourgeois cunts - these would be just as viciously reactionary, but much more numerous

      • aqwxcvbnji [none/use name]
        4 years ago
        dystopian levels of wealth inequality

        what matters to me is that they’ve been reducing poverty by the hundreds of millions

        This is indistinguishable from what you can read on r/neoliberalism

        • CommieGirl69 [he/him]
          4 years ago

          what i'm saying is that early capitalism has civilizing qualities, violent though it is, and that it is a necessary stage in historical development

          that's indistinguishable from what marx said - you can say he was a neoliberal or maybe that neoliberals are marxists, whatever you prefer

          but the difference between me and those cunts is that i say countries like america are far past this stage and capitalism is actually being counter-productive for them (as the profit motive in america is actually working backwards given they've already exhausted the dialectical relationship between productivity increases and rates of profit)

          edit: btw, it's really weird to be on the other side of these arguments and these formalist comparisons given that i used to make them like 6 months ago or something. knowing that i wasn't convinced by any arguments then, and only really got it after the covid response made me give the CPC the benefit of the doubt and look into it more attentively, i wonder if any of this is worth the effort... i guess it's pretty useless and i should stop the china-posting

      • Rev [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        You do realise that what you're peddling here is word for word trickle down economics?

      • anthm17 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        what matters to me is that they’ve been reducing poverty by the hundreds of millions and increasing incomes to the point where they’ve surpassed my own country

        Yeah there is a very very good argument to be made that china made the right choice with capitalism (although it depends on how much you buy into the metric they use for poverty).

        It's still capitalism.