I once had a dream i was peeing into toilet and i woke up peeing but not into a toilet
lol yeah mine too. or puts them in weird places like in the middle of public rooms, stairwells, or very weird liminal bathrooms or even shudder carpeted bedrooms
ugh the bedroom ones are often clogged with clothes
That happened to me as a kid and I think my sleep brain learned from the trauma. Now I'll pee in my dreams and wake up having to pee, but my pants are dry.
If you need motivation, pretend your toilet is Thatcher’s grave
implying you aren’t already traveling there for every single defecation and urination need
Get up and go pee there is no other way, accept the inevitable and do the needful.
This is so relatable. If I do get to sleep then I have crazy pee induced dreams.
last time i did this i had a dream where i just kept peeing and peeing but the urge to pee wouldn't go away and i was freaking out
a guy I used to know/work with, when he went to sleep really drunk, would get up in the middle of the night and pee all over his clean clothes. apparently the drunk logic was that he could wash the clothes, but walking to the toilet was a bridge too far.
Probably should have chosen the dirty clothes pile at the very least >.>
Getting older + inhuman amount of coffee consumption= this. At least twice per night. Le sigh
After a night drinking:
Need to poop to go to sleep
Getting out of bed will make me throw up