Transcript of the 'screenshot', from Otherside Picnic's 8th light novel:

"I know I told you not to use words that would be bad for her education before, but this is making me feel responsible for that too. Did I ever tell you about how I used to ghost write for self-help books?"


"No matter what you write, they sell based on the name value of the person on the cover, so it started feeling sillier and sillier to me. I started thinking, 'This person's fans will probably believe any pack of lies I write,' so I wrote 'All the really good businessmen have had control of the interior ministry,' and made up some reasoning that sounded good for it."

"Right... Wait, what?"

"And you know what happened? There were a number of people online writing, 'I got the interior ministry too!' Whew, that really got me. There was even a hashtag going around for it. I quit the job because I was too spooked after that, but, yeah, words sure can be scary things, huh?"